Damsel in distress

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The journey to the Jedi Temple proved to be an unexpected odyssey. Obi-Wan went through the bustling streets of Nar Shaddaa, Selene bound and slung over his shoulder like a mischievous trophy. The cantina's raucous cheers echoed in the distance, but the duo pressed on.

As they navigated the labyrinthine cityscape, Selene, still swaying slightly from the effects of her drunkenness, decided it was the perfect time to stir the pot. "You know, Kenobi," she slurred, "This whole Jedi hero routine of yours is a bit dull. Maybe spice it up a bit, add some flair!"
Obi-Wan sighed, the binders clinking with each step. "This is hardly the time for flair, Selene. We have a mission."
"Oh, lighten up, Jedi. Where's your sense of adventure?" she teased, attempting to wriggle free from the binders.
Ignoring her tricks, Obi-Wan quickened his pace. The Jedi Temple loomed in the distance, a beacon of serenity in the chaotic city. However, fate had other plans for the mismatched duo.
As they crossed a crowded intersection, a hover-taxi careened around a corner, narrowly avoiding them. Selene seized the opportunity to add a dash of drama. "Watch out, Kenobi! Your impeccable Jedi reflexes might not save us this time!"
Obi-Wan deftly sidestepped the oncoming vehicle, his irritation palpable. "This is not a game, Selene. We need to—"
Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden malfunction in the hover-taxi's repulsorlift sent it crashing into a nearby fruit stand. Oranges rolled across the pavement, and the annoyed vendor shouted curses in Huttese.

Selene, still slung over Obi-Wan's shoulder, burst into laughter. "Looks like the Force has a sense of humor, Kenobi! Or maybe it's just my impeccable luck."
Obi-Wan, now forced to contend with a malfunctioning hover-taxi and a laughing, bound bounty hunter, struggled to maintain his composure. "This is hardly the time for jokes, Selene. We have a—"
"Mission, yes, yes. But who says we can't have a bit of fun along the way?" Selene grinned mischievously, clearly reveling in the chaos she had unwittingly caused.

Their journey took an unexpected turn as Selene, still giggling, managed to slip from Obi-Wan's shoulder. The binders proved no match for her determination to cause mischief. Obi-Wan, now grappling with a freed and still-intoxicated Selene, felt his patience wearing thin.
"Enough, Selene! We need to get to my ship," he exclaimed, his frustration evident.
But Selene, true to her unpredictable nature, danced away from him. "Oh, come on, Kenobi! Loosen up a bit. It's not every day you get to rescue a damsel in distress."
"Damsel in distress?" Obi-Wan muttered, a bemused expression crossing his face. "You're the one who needs rescuing from yourself."
Their banter continued, a mix of annoyment and amusement. The pair, now caught in a comical dance through the chaotic streets of Nar Shaddaa, inadvertently drew the attention of passersby. Citizens of the bustling city stared in confusion as a Jedi and a slightly drunk bounty hunter engaged in a battle of words and wits.

Just as the situation seemed to reach peak absurdity, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, clad in dark attire and carrying an air of lethal intent. A hitman, hired to eliminate Selene, had been silently tailing them.
Obi-Wan, unaware of the looming threat, tried to corral Selene toward the Jedi Temple. However, the hitman, armed with a concealed blaster, took aim at Selene from a distant rooftop.
Selene, sensing danger but still in her inebriated state, turned to Obi-Wan with a mischievous smile. "Kenobi, darling, I think we have an admirer. Mind giving me a hand?"
Before Obi-Wan could comprehend the situation, blaster bolts whizzed past them. Instinctively, he ignited his lightsaber, deflecting the incoming shots with precision. The crowded streets erupted into chaos as the bystanders scattered, and fruit stands became collateral damage.

Selene, seemingly unfazed by the danger, continued to playfully taunt Obi-Wan. "My hero! Saving me from certain doom. Aren't you enjoying the excitement, Kenobi?"
Obi-Wan, focused on protecting Selene, glared at her. "This is no time for your jokes, Selene. We're under attack!"
The hitman, undeterred by Obi-Wan's Jedi prowess, continued to rain down blaster fire. Obi-Wan, with Selene in tow, searched refuge behind a market stall.
As blaster bolts whizzed past them, Selene couldn't resist adding to the chaos. "You know, Kenobi, most people buy a girl a drink before trying to sweep her off her feet."
Ignoring her comment, Obi-Wan demanded "Selene, stay close. We need to find cover."
As they navigated the chaotic streets, the hitman closed in. Obi-Wan, with Selene in tow, evaded blaster fire, deflecting bolts with his lightsaber. The chase led them through narrow alleys and bustling marketplaces, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake.
The hitman, determined to complete his mission, cornered them in a dimly lit alley. Blaster fire intensified, forcing Obi-Wan into a defensive stance.
Selene, still somewhat intoxicated but quick on her feet, grabbed a nearby fruit crate and tossed it toward the hitman. The distraction provided Obi-Wan the opportunity to close the distance.
With a swift motion, Obi-Wan disarmed the hitman, rendering him defenseless. The mysterious assailant, realizing the tables had turned, attempted to flee but was swiftly apprehended.
Obi-Wan, now in control, secured the hitman with makeshift binders. Selene, a satisfied grin on her face, sauntered over to Obi-Wan. "Well, that was fun, Kenobi. Admit it, you enjoyed the excitement."
Obi-Wan sighed, the adrenaline wearing off. "Fun is not the word I would use, Selene. We still have a mission to complete."

As they continued their journey to the Jedi Temple, Selene, perhaps sensing the gravity of the situation, attempted to make a run for it. With a sudden burst of agility, she slipped through Obi-Wan's grasp, darting down a side alley.
Obi-Wan, momentarily caught off guard, shook his head in disbelief. "Selene, this is not the time for games!"
Ignoring his protests, Selene weaved through the labyrinthine streets, laughing as she disappeared into the chaotic cityscape. Obi-Wan, determined to fulfill his duty, sprinted after her.

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