Outer rim adventure (part 2)

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The first light of dawn painted the quiet town with hues of gold as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Selene ventured into the Outer Rim streets, determined to track down the elusive hitman. The air crackled with tension, a prelude to the impending confrontation that lay ahead.
As they moved through the town, blending with the locals to avoid drawing attention, Selene's instincts kicked in. She sensed a disturbance in the Force, a subtle ripple that hinted at the presence of their target. Obi-Wan, attuned to her lead, nodded in silent acknowledgment.

The narrow streets led them to a secluded alley, the perfect setting for an ambush. The hitman emerged from the shadows, clad in dark attire, his intent clear in the cold glint of his eyes.
Obi-Wan and Selene confronted the relentless hitman. The air crackled with tension, and the shadows seemed to dance to the rhythm of their impending clash.
The hitman, determined to eliminate his targets, fired relentlessly at the duo. Obi-Wan deftly deflected the blaster bolts with his lightsaber, while Selene, relying on her blaster skills, sought strategic cover.
Selene, taking a brief moment behind a stack of crates, glanced at Obi-Wan, who was engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel with their adversary.
Selene: "You Jedi and your theatrical fights. Ever considered a more subtle approach?"
Obi-Wan, parrying a series of attacks, smirked.
Obi-Wan: "Subtlety isn't always effective, Selene."
The hitman, seizing an opportunity, unleashed a barrage of blaster fire at Selene. Quick on her feet, she dodged and returned fire, creating a dynamic exchange of energy bolts.
In the midst of the chaos, Obi-Wan found himself momentarily disarmed by the hitman's unexpected move. The blaster bolt, aimed directly at him, was about to find its mark when Selene, with uncanny precision, shot the hitman's weapon out of his hand.
Obi-Wan, retrieving his lightsaber, nodded in acknowledgment.
Obi-Wan: "Nice shot, Selene."
Selene, still in the throes of battle, flashed a grin.
Selene: "Just returning the favor, Jedi."
Their moment of camaraderie was short-lived as the hitman, undeterred, drew a concealed vibroblade and charged at Obi-Wan. The lightsaber clashed with the vibroblade in a contest of strength.
In a daring move, Selene lunged at the hitman from behind, attempting to disarm him. However, he swiftly countered, delivering a forceful kick that sent Selene sprawling to the ground.
Obi-Wan, now fully engaged in the duel, exerted all his Jedi prowess to hold his ground against the relentless assault. Selene, recovering quickly, took aim with her blaster, ready to provide support.
As the intensity of the fight reached its peak, Selene found herself in a precarious position. The hitman, anticipating her move, turned and fired at her. The blaster bolt struck her shoulder, eliciting a sharp cry of pain.
Obi-Wan, sensing Selene's distress, redoubled his efforts. With a swift and calculated series of strikes, he disarmed the hitman and incapacitated him.
The alley fell silent, the only sound being Selene's labored breathing. Obi-Wan rushed to her side, concern etched across his face.
Obi-Wan: "Selene, are you alright?"
Selene, gritting her teeth against the pain, managed a sarcastic smile.
Selene: "Just another day in the thrilling life of a bounty hunter."
Obi-Wan, realizing the gravity of her injury, carefully helped her to her feet.
Obi-Wan: "Let me help you back to the ship. We'll get you proper medical attention."
Selene, leaning on him for support, couldn't help but smirk.
Selene: "Never thought I'd see the day when a Jedi plays nursemaid to a bounty hunter."

Back in the ship, Obi-Wan tended to Selene's wounded shoulder. The flickering light cast shadows across her face as she winced in pain. Obi-Wan, focused on cleaning and dressing the injury, couldn't ignore the evident signs of exhaustion and weakness in Selene.
Selene: "You know, Kenobi, I could have handled this on my own. Bounty hunters are tougher than you Jedi think."
Obi-Wan, focused on his task, raised an eyebrow.
Obi-Wan: "Tough, perhaps, but not immune to blaster bolts. Hold still."
Selene sighed dramatically, making a show of her discomfort.
Selene: "I've had worse, you know. This is nothing."
Obi-Wan couldn't help but smile at her resilience, despite the circumstances.
Obi-Wan: "Your ability to downplay injuries is impressive, but I'd rather not take any chances."
Selene, leaning back on the medbay bed, eyed Obi-Wan with a mischievous glint.
Selene: "So, Jedi, any particular reason you're playing nursemaid to a former bounty hunter?"
Obi-Wan hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully.
Obi-Wan: "I made a promise to protect lives, regardless of who they belong to. Besides, I don't want your injury to worsen."
Selene, feigning innocence, tilted her head.
Selene: "Such a noble Jedi, always upholding the code. Tell me, Kenobi, do you ever break the rules?"
Obi-Wan, finishing the medical procedure, met her gaze.
Obi-Wan: "I adhere to the Jedi Code for a reason. It guides us to make the right choices."
Selene smirked, her usual defiance undeterred.
Selene: "Right choices or convenient choices? Sometimes, breaking the rules leads to unexpected outcomes."
Obi-Wan, not willing to engage in a philosophical debate, changed the subject.
Obi-Wan: "You should rest. The ship will take us back to Coruscant shortly."
Selene, seemingly uninterested in resting, shifted on the medbay bed.
Selene: "And what about you, Jedi? Planning to watch over me all night?"
Obi-Wan sighed, realizing her persistent banter was a constant.
Obi-Wan: "I'll check on you later. For now, get some rest."
As Obi-Wan turned to leave the medbay, Selene's voice halted him.
Selene: "Kenobi, one more thing."
He turned back to her, curiosity evident in his expression.
Obi-Wan: "Yes?"
Before he could react, Selene, fueled by a mixture of pain and amusement, leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. The unexpected intimacy caught Obi-Wan off guard, and for a moment, the boundaries blurred.When he got control over the situation again, he didn't pull away, on the contrary he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss and the sterile medbay transformed into a space where rules and codes were momentarily forgotten.

Just as things were about to go even further, when Selene pulled him onto her, a harsh beep from Kenobi's comlink, interrupted the moment. Obi-Wan and Selene broke apart, their eyes locking once again making her blush.
Windu: "Kenobi, answer immediately. We have urgent matters to discuss."
The message hung in the air, a stark reminder that their momentary diversion was over. Obi-Wan, his expression a mix of regret and duty, turned away from Selene and said dryly "We'll talk later."

With that, he left the medbay, leaving Selene alone with a mix of emotions and a hint sadness.

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