Goodbye for now

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The chase led Obi-Wan through crowded marketplaces, darkened alleys, and bustling streets as he pursued Selene. Despite her intoxicated state, she proved surprisingly nimble, slipping through the crowds with an almost dancer-like grace.

Cornering her in a narrow alley, Obi-Wan closed the distance, his Jedi reflexes outmatching Selene's inebriated agility. With a swift motion, he caught up to her and pressed her against a nearby wall, his firm grip on her arms preventing any escape.

Selene, caught off guard, looked up at him with a mix of surprise and amusement. "Well, Kenobi, aren't you the persistent one? I thought Jedi weren't supposed to enjoy the chase this much."

Obi-Wan's expression remained stern. "This isn't a game, Selene. Lives are at stake. You need to take this seriously."

She smirked, her playful demeanor contrasting with his seriousness. "Oh, lighten up, Jedi. Not everything in the galaxy needs to be so serious. Sometimes, you just have to enjoy the ride."

Obi-Wan, his patience wearing thin, tightened his grip on her arms. "Enough with the games, Selene. Lives are on the line, and your games put them at risk. Cooperate, and maybe I'll consider going easy on you."

Selene, unfazed by his growing anger, raised an eyebrow. "Easy on me? How noble of you, Kenobi. But I don't think you understand. I'm not one to be easily tamed."

Obi-Wan's frustration escalated. "You're not making this easy, Selene. Lives depend on the information you have. Lives that

I swore to protect."

She chuckled, a defiant glint in her eyes. "And here I thought Jedi were all about peace and serenity. You're quite the fiery one, Kenobi."

He took a deep breath, trying to rein in his emotions. "I won't ask again. Give me the information, now."

Selene's behaviours shifted, her eyes narrowing. "Or what, Jedi? You'll use the force to persuade me? You can try, but I'm not one to bend to the will of others."

Obi-Wan, unable to contain his frustration, raised his hand as if considering the use of the force. "You're testing the limits of my patience, Selene. This is your last chance."

She leaned in, a sly grin on her face. "What are you going to do, Kenobi? Force me to tell you? Good luck with that."

Obi-Wan's frustration boiled over, and his patience snapped. In a moment of heated impulsiveness, he seized Selene by the shoulders and pulled her into an unexpected kiss. The alley fell silent as the two locked in a passionate embrace, momentarily caught in the chaos of their conflicting emotions.

Selene, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, didn't resist. Instead, she leaned in to the kiss with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The tension that had fueled their argument now transformed into a different kind of energy, leaving them both momentarily breathless.

As they broke apart, a lingering intensity hung in the air. Obi-Wan, his anger momentarily diffused, looked at Selene with a mix of confusion and realization.

Selene, her defiance momentarily subdued, smirked with a newfound sense of satisfaction. "Well, Kenobi, that was unexpected. Maybe there's hope for you yet."

Without uttering a word, Obi-Wan swiftly lifted Selene over his shoulder once again, her protests muffled as he carried her. He ignored her indignant squirms, maintaining a determined stride as they walked through the labyrinthine streets of Nar Shaddaa.

Selene, her initial resistance fading into resigned annoyance, muttered, "Well, this is certainly a novel way to travel, Kenobi. I hope you know I charge extra for the piggyback service."

Obi-Wan chose not to engage in her banter, focusing on navigating the crowded streets toward his ship. The curious gazes of onlookers followed them, creating a spectacle that added an extra layer of absurdity to their already peculiar situation.

As they reached Obi-Wan's ship, he gently set Selene down but kept a watchful eye on her. "Get on board. We're going back to the Jedi Temple."

Selene, brushing herself off with an exaggerated flourish, smirked. "Well, aren't you the gallant knight? Ready to whisk me away on your starship. Do I get a seat at the captain's table, or is that reserved for the well-behaved passengers?"

Obi-Wan resisted the urge to respond to her taunts. Instead, he guided her onto the ship, securing her in a passenger seat. As the ship's engines hummed, he couldn't shake the feeling that this mission was far from over, and Selene's unpredictable presence only added another layer of complexity to the task at hand.

As Obi-Wan guided the ship through the vastness of space, the tension within the cockpit was palpable. Selene, securely strapped into her seat, couldn't resist breaking the silence.

"So, Kenobi," she began, a curious glint in her eyes, "care to explain that little stunt back in the alley? A Jedi and a kiss—a bit off-script, don't you think?"

Obi-Wan kept his gaze fixed on the star-studded expanse before them, his features stoic. "It was an impulsive moment, nothing more. We have more pressing matters to attend to."

Selene leaned back, a sly grin playing on her lips. "Impulsive, you say? Jedi breaking their own rules? Now, that's a twist I didn't see coming. What would your Council think of you kissing a notorious bounty hunter?"

Obi-Wan's jaw tightened. "My personal actions are not up for discussion, Selene. We're on a mission, and I suggest you focus on that."

She chuckled, clearly enjoying the discomfort she was causing. "Come on, Kenobi, a little enlightenment won't hurt. What's the Jedi stance on kissing? Forbidden fruit or a secret pleasure?"

Obi-Wan remained steadfast in his refusal to engage in the conversation. "The Jedi Code is clear on such matters. It's a path we do not tread."

Selene persisted, her teasing tone unwavering. "A forbidden path, then. How scandalous, Master Jedi. Are you telling me you've never been tempted to break a rule or two?"

Obi-Wan's grip tightened on the controls, his frustration evident. "This discussion is over, Selene. Our focus should be on the mission. Lives are at stake."

She leaned forward, the mischievous glint in her eyes undeterred. "Oh, Kenobi, you're no fun. I was hoping for a bit of a scandalous tale to pass the time during our space odyssey."

As they dropped out of hyperspace, Coruscant once again sprawled before them. The Jedi Temple loomed in the distance, a constant reminder of the duty that awaited them. Obi-Wan expertly navigated the descent, bringing the ship to a smooth landing.

As the ship powered down, Selene, undeterred by Obi-Wan's stoicism, continued her playful banter. "So, Master Jedi, any chance of another impulsive act before we part ways? Maybe a dramatic farewell this time?"

Obi-Wan unstrapped himself, standing up with determination. "Our paths diverge here, Selene. The mission is not yet complete."

She smirked, seemingly unbothered by the imminent separation. "Until our next unexpected encounter, Kenobi. May the Force be with you, or whatever it is you Jedi say."

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