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One year had passed since the encounter on Coruscant. The galaxy had seen its share of turmoil, and the whispers of secrets continued to echo in the shadows. Obi-Wan Kenobi, ever devoted to the Jedi cause, found himself immersed in new missions, facing challenges that stretched the limits of his resolve.
In the midst of the ever-shifting tides of the Force, a familiar name surfaced once again—Selene Dray. The notorious bounty hunter, who had once been entwined with Jedi affairs, had seemingly vanished from the galaxy's radar.
As fate would have it, their paths were destined to cross once more.
Obi-Wan received a cryptic message that hinted at Selene's whereabouts. The information was scarce, yet the urgency of the situation demanded his attention. With a sense of foreboding, he set out to a remote outpost on the Outer Rim.
The outpost, a dusty settlement on a desolate planet, held the echoes of a life left behind. As Obi-Wan entered the cantina, the murmurs among the patrons ceased. Eyes darted toward a corner table where a figure, clad in the worn remnants of black armor, sat with a hood concealing her face.
The air crackled with tension as Obi-Wan approached the enigmatic presence. The figure looked up, revealing the unmistakable smirk of Selene Dray.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Jedi with a penchant for dramatic rescues. To what do I owe the pleasure, Kenobi?" she said, her voice carrying the weight of the past year.
Obi-Wan, maintaining his calm demeanor, responded, "I've come for answers, Selene. The galaxy is once again shrouded in shadows, and I sense your involvement."
She leaned back, the hood casting shadows on her face. "Always the detective, Kenobi. But I'm not the bounty hunter I used to be. The galaxy has a way of chewing you up and spitting you out."
Obi-Wan, his senses attuned to the currents of the force, saw through her nonchalant facade. "Your disappearance didn't go unnoticed. What happened after you provided the Council with the information?"
Selene sighed, her gaze fixed on an imaginary point in the distance. "I did what I had to do. Gave them what they wanted, vanished from the bounty hunting scene. Turns out, not everyone appreciates a freelancer who plays both sides."
A flicker of regret crossed her eyes, hidden beneath the layers of defiance. Obi-Wan, ever perceptive, pressed on. "Why resurface now? What game are you playing, Selene?"
She smirked, a glint of mischief returning to her eyes. "No game, Kenobi. Just survival. The galaxy may change, but some things remain constant."

Obi-Wan, with a determined gaze, declared, "Selene, I need your help. There's a new contract on Padmé Amidala, and we must act quickly to prevent an assassin from taking her life."
She leaned back, a skeptical look in her eyes, "Padmé Amidala? Kenobi, why should I care about the fate of a senator?"
Obi-Wan, unwavering, responded, "This isn't just about a senator, Selene. Lives are at stake, and I need your expertise to stop the assassin."
She scoffed, "Expertise? Jedi, you overestimate my interest in your noble causes. What's in it for me?"
Obi-Wan, leaning in, asserted, "If you help me, I'll ensure the bounty on your head is lifted. You can be free from this life, Selene."
Her eyes narrowed, "Free? Kenobi, you Jedi are always eager to offer salvation. I don't buy it. What's the catch?"
Obi-Wan, frustration simmering beneath the surface, stated, "No catch. I want to get you out of this life, away from the shadows that threaten to consume you."
Selene, with a cynical laugh, retorted, "Out of this life? Jedi, I'm in too deep. Your offer is tempting, but I've got debts to settle."
Obi-Wan, now exasperated, warned, "Debts or not, Selene, if you don't help me, I won't hesitate to bring you in. You won't have a choice."
She met his threat with a defiant glint in her eyes, "Threats, Kenobi? You can try, but I'm not one to be caged."
Obi-Wan, resolute, handed her a small device, "Think about it, Selene. This is your chance to escape the cycle. Lives are at stake, including your own. Don't let your stubbornness be the end of them."

As they left the cantina, the tension lingered, painting the dusty outpost with the unspoken words that hung in the air. The galaxy awaited the next steps in the dance between the reluctant duo, where decisions made could either unlock the gates to redemption or reinforce the chains of the galaxy's unforgiving justice.
In the quiet of the street, Obi-Wan approached Selene once more. His voice softened, carrying a tone of genuine concern, "I won't let your stubbornness be the end of you, Selene." Before she could react, he swiftly picked her up, cradling her in his arms.
Selene protested, squirming in an attempt to escape. "Put me down, Kenobi! I'm not some damsel in distress."
Obi-Wan, undeterred, held her firmly. "You may not be a damsel, but you're in distress, whether you admit it or not. We're saving lives, and you're a part of this whether you like it or not."

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