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in the cockpit a pilot sits at the controls.

the needle nose ship blasts out of the hangar

in a hall Obi Wan looks up at Jar Jar.

Obi Wan:"now, stay here and keep out of trouble"

he leaves and Jar Jar turns to three R2 droids.

Jar Jar:"Hello, boyos"

One of the R2 Droids beeps at him.

Qui Gon reaches the cockpit as the ship rockets away from Naboo.

Pilot:"there's the blockade"

battleships glow up ahead

one fires and red lasers bounce off the force field.

the Port Wing takes a hit.

In the cockpit an alarm beeps.

Pilto:"shield generator has been hit!"

In the hall an alarm also beeps and the droids roll to an air lock.

a dome headed R2 bumps into Jar Jar

Jar Jar:"How wude"

the R2 shoots up the air lock to the top of the ship then joins two other droids on the hit wing.

one gets blasted off.

Obi Wan watches from the cockpit.

Obi Wan:"We're losing droids fast"

Panaka:"If we can't get the shield generator fixed, we'll be sitting ducks"

a second droid gets hit

Pilot:"the Shields are gone!"

on the hit wing the dome headed R2 extends a thin metal arm into the generator.

a screen in the cockpit turns from red to green

Pilot:"power's back!"

the R2 flashes around light

Pilot:"that little droid did it he bypassed the main power drive"

Pilot:"deflector Shields up at maximum"

dodging lasers, they streak over the battleship.

then the Queen's glossy silver ship darts into space.

Pilot:"there's not enough power to get us to Coruscant the hyperdrive is leaking"

Qui Gon:"we'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship"

Obi Wan:"here, master tatooine"

Obi Wan:"it's small, out of the way poor"

Obi Wan:"the trade federation have no presence there"

Panaka:"how can you be sure?"

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