𝙔/𝙣 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙗𝙞 𝙒𝙖𝙣 𝙑𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙪

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The Jedi and Padawan enter the cave with their lightsabers drawn.

as an android moves up a rampand into a pod shaped vessel Dooku turns and faces them.

Y/n:"you're gonna pay for all the Jedi that you killed today, Dooku"

Obi Wan:"we'll take him together go in slowly on the left "

Y/n:"No i'm taking him now"

Obi wan:"no, Y/n, no!"

as the Padawan charges Dooku shoots lightning from his hand and throw Y/n aside as the padawan screams in pain.

Dooku:"as you see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours now... back down"

Dooku shoots a bolt at Obi Wan who absorbs it with his blue lightsaber

Obi Wan:"I don't think so"

Dooku draws his curved lightsaber hilt and activates a red blade.

Obi Wan charges at Dooku and their sabers strike together.

the Master Jedi swings at Dooku's legs
and Dooku jumps avoiding the Blade.

Dooku:"Master Kenobi, you disappoint me Yoda holds you in such high esteem"

Obi Wan swings his lightsaber, blocking another of Dooku strikes.

Dooku:"surely you can do better"

Obi Wan jumps over the pod shaped vessels ramp while Y/n lifts his head, moans in pain and grimaces.

meanwhile on the desert floor a trooper runs through sand toward Padmé.

Trooper:"are you alright?"

Clone Trooper:"Uh-Huh"

she rises to her feet.

Clone Trooper:"we better get back to the forward command center"

Padmé:"no no gather what troops you can we've got to get to that hangar"

Padmé:"get a transport.. Hurry!"

Clone Trooper:"right away"

back in the hangar Dooku and Obi Wan continue to battle

Obi Wan strains, locking blades with Dooku

the Dark Count grins and strikes the Jedi in the shoulder then the thigh.

Obi Wan:"Ahh!"

Obi Wan falls and clutches his leg and his lightsaber lands a few feet away.

Dooku stands above him with his red saber raised.

as he swings it Y/n bolts over and blocks the strike with his L/c blade.

Y/n:"Leave my master alone"

Dooku Grins.

Dooku:"brave of you, boy but I would have thought you had Learned your lesson"

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