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in Padmé's Starship Obi Wan's hologram glows.

Obi Wan:"Y/n, my long-range transmitter has been knocked out retransmit this message to Coruscant"

Padmé touches a button then the blue hologram appears before the Jedi Council.

Obi Wan:"I have tracked the bounty hunter, Jango Fett, to the droid foundries on geonosis"

Obi Wan:"The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala"

Obi Wan:"the commerce guilds in the corporate alliance have both pledged their armies to count Dooku and are forming a--"

Anakin:"Master, watch out!"

the holographic Obi Wan draws his lightsaber as a soldier droid attacks him and Anakin.

Windu and Yoda watch the hologram vanish then Yoda faces Windu.

Yoda:"more happening on geonosis I feel than has been revealed"

Windu:"I agree"

a hologram of Windu speaks

Windu:"Y/n, we will deal with Count Dooku the most important thing for you is to stay where you are"

Windu:"protect the senator at all costs that is your first priority"

Y/n:"understood, master"

Windu's image fades.

Padmé:"they'll never get there in time to save them they have to come halfway across the galaxy"


planets appear on Padmé screen

Padmé:"Genosis is less than a parsec away"

Y/n:"if they are still alive"

He paces

Padmé:"Y/n, are you just gonna sit here and let them die They're your friends they're like your family"

Y/n:"I know but you heard Master Windu he gave me strict orders to stay here"

Padmé:"he gave you strict orders to protect me and I'm going to help Obi Wan and Anakin"

she faces the controls

Padmé:"If you plan to protect me you'll just have to come along"

as she activates the ship Y/n smiles and 3PO takes a seat.

C-3PO:"I'm not worried, R2 it's just I've never flown before"

the Silver Starship soars into the blue sky and disappears.

The sleek starship soars toward geonosis and zooms over the planet's dusty rings.

later the silvery starship glides low through a Canyon of ruddy earth.

ahead three jets of steam billow from the ground.

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