How could they?

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It was now the next morning, the slight headache from the previous night didn't stop me from rolling out of bed and forcing myself to get ready. First lesson today was defence against the dark arts. Today felt like a good day and I will be attending. Plus I needed to talk to Mattheo and find out what the hell was wrong with him last night. "Morning." I heard Astorias voice say as she began crawling out of bed and getting ready. "You hungover too." I giggle as I pass her a glass of water. "Very, I need food and soon." She says while throwing her uniform on and downing the water. "Yeah, give me 5 minutes and we can go." I said whilst beginning to brush my teeth. I heard a knock on our dorm door. I opened it and there stood Mattheo and Enzo, Mattheo looked surprisingly happy. "Well hello darling." Mattheo said before walking up to me and planting a kiss on my lips. "Someone's in a better mood today." Astoria joked before going up to Mattheo and nudging his arm. "Yeah I'm sorry y/n for leaving you at the party last night, I think I just had too much to drink." He said before looking down at the floor then back at me. "It's fine, we've all been there." I said " you'll have to make it up to me though." I Whispered before winking at him. He smiled and put his arm round my shoulder. "Let's get breakfast then love birds" Enzo spoke before leading all of us to the great hall.

We sat eating breakfast and just chatting about our future plans. "Well me and Blaise want at least 5 kids, so we are never bored and a huge magic wedding." Pansy spoke and everyone burst out laughing. "5 kids your going to be busy bees." I joked and everyone joined in laughing. "How many children do you want y/n" Theo asked me. "One or two, I couldn't imagine pushing 5 baby's out." I smiled before looking at Pansy and laughing. "Oooo, funny you say that, Mattheo wants one of each a little birdie told me" Enzo gestured to me and Mattheo. "I think our children will be beautiful, like their mom isn't that right y/n." Mattheo said before kissing my cheek. I was stunned I didn't know what to say, my cheeks went bright red so I hid my face while everyone was amused at Mattheos comment. While attempting to hide my face from the group I caught a glimpse of Harry. He was staring at me, but this time when we caught eye contact he didn't look away. He looked almost worried, maybe even scared. I stopped the eye contact by rolling my eyes and flicking my hair in his direction, he scoffed at me and put his head down. I know he didn't do anything wrong just now, but every time we've made eye contact or my name even gets mentioned he makes horrible comments and horrible faces to me. So it was my turn to return the favour.

"I heard we have defence against the dark arts with Snape today, should be fun." Draco said. "Yeah it's weird that he wants all the slytherin to go, it's not even on my schedule today." Theo spoke before he looked at Mattheo. Mattheo just looked at me and smiled "cmon then guys, we need to show y/n how to defend herself from dark arts." Pansy laughed and so did I. But no one else did. Weird. After the awkward encounter we all headed to class. The sign on the door read "Defence against the dark arts: Slytherin vs Gryffindor" I saw the sign and a lump grew in my throat. Not today, I didn't want to have to be in the same room as him. Today started off as a good day, now I have to look at his annoying face for the next hour and half. "Let's go kick some gryffindor arse" some random slytherin said from behind. To that everyone started chanting, we walked in and stood on opposite sides of the classroom from gryffindor. There was a long mat in between us and a list of illegal spells on the ground. "Right listen, everyone shut up! Slytherin vs gryffindor. I want clean battles. And I must make this clear no illegal spells! If you do so you will pack your bags straight away and hope you haven't seriously injured anyone, because if you do you can say hello to Azkaban." Snape spoke, he made the last part very clear. He then asked one student from gryffindor and one from slytherin to stand on the mat and begin. It was brutal, spells getting thrown, people getting thrown, some points I couldn't even look but Mattheo holding my hand comforted me. My father might of taught me the basics, but this was something else. I don't know if I'm ready.

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