The Three Broomsticks.

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Y/n's POV
It's been over two months since i've seen anyone from Hogwarts. I missed Pansy so much, we've grown so close since me leaving and it's hard not been able to see her everyday. She has been asking to meet up but i've been very reluctant. However today i said i would meet her at the Three Broomsticks for a few drinks, she said she had a surprise for me. The days are all the same back home: wake up, get ready, have breakfast, talk with my mom about what i'm going to do with my life and then go back to sleep and just repeat. I never thought i'd say it but maybe i should consider going back to Hogwarts.

It was almost time to meet Pansy, i spoke with her earlier and she asked if she could bring Blaise along. I didn't know what to say at first, but he had nothing to do with my Father and also turned down Voldemorts commands. I was going all out tonight, i needed to look better than what i felt, so i put the nicest dress i could find on and full face of makeup. I looked so good, even my mom gave me the nod of approval and she's the first to tell me my dress is too short or i have too much makeup on but she just said "you look gorgeous sweetheart" so i will take that as a good thing.

Time skip to Three Broomsticks (Y/n POV)
I walked into the three broomsticks. I saw Pansy and she saw me. She ran up to me and smothered me with a huge hug and kisses to my cheek, i've missed her so much! We sat at the table and i was shocked to see Blaise wasn't already with Pansy. "I thought Blaise was coming Pans." i spoke with a weird look. "He is, just waiting on your surprise getting ready." she spoke before giving me a wink. My surprise is getting ready? I hope she isn't bringing another boy here, i'm not ready to entertain another boy just yet. "Pans i know you are trying to help and all, but i'm not ready for a boy." i said a worried expression on my face. "Don't worry y/n, he's sweet and i've told him not to come off too desperate. Its fine we're just going to have a few drinks and a chat." She smiled. "Okay if you say so..." i said before ordering us both a drink.

We were halfway through our drinks when Blaise and the boy walked up to us and asked "What you guys drinking we'll get another round?" Blaise spoke and i looked up and made eye contact with the other boy. It was Cedric. Cedric Diggory. What the hell is going on and why is Cedric here with them. "Nice to see you again y/n it's been weird not seeing you around Hogwarts" Cedric said before sitting down at the side of me. "So y/n Cedric has been helping me and Blaise out at school because we don't speak to the Slytherin group anymore." Pansy said before smiling at me and Cedric. "I hope you don't mind me tagging along tonight Y/n" He smiled at me. "Of course not, it's going to be a fun night, let's get some more vodka lemonade guys." I cheered and i downed the remainder of my first glass.

We were all pretty drunk and sharing funny stories and catching up. Me and Cedric were flirting. I know i said i wasn't ready for another boy, but Cedric was so nice and actually seemed interested in me. "Anyways how's time at home treating you Y/n" Cedric spoke before smiling at me. "Erm it's good, i miss Hogwarts though. I miss seeing you all." I frowned. "Erm no depressing thoughts tonight, we are partying remember?" Pansy spoke before pulling me to dance with her. Cedric and Blaise joined us and we were all dancing having the time of our lives. Just then we heard the door open and in walks Theo, Enzo, Mattheo and a random girl who is hand and hand with Mattheo. My face drops. "Who the hells that?" I spoke while pointing at the girl. "Oh shit didn't know they'd be coming here tonight, that's Mattheos girlfriend i believe she's always with him everywhere he goes." Blaise spoke. I felt sick to my stomach. A girlfriend? I knew i was just a task to him but he moved on pretty quick despite giving me so much attention.

Mattheos POV
I still haven't spoken to Y/n , it's been so many weeks i've lost count. Me and Alice were now actually engaged and i pretend to be thrilled, but deep down I hate her. I hate the thought of marrying her. She's so controlling of me and never leaves my side, i can't even speak to the boys without her presence. "Mattheo mate, me and Enzo are going to three broomsticks for a few drinks you coming?" Theo spoke while opening the door to my dorm. "Yeah we'll come" Alice spoke from the bathroom. I could tell Theo just wanted the guys to go as he sighed and said "Okay whatever, just hurry up we leave soon."

We entered the bar. Alice was holding my hand tight like she wasn't ever going to let go. "What we having then" Enzo spoke loud over the music. "Me and Mattheo will have a beer." Alice spoke for me. She's always speaking for me, it's getting so annoying. "Okay and Theo." Enzo spoke. "Shit, we should go." Theo spoke while looking at a group of people dancing. My eyes follow his eyes and i make eye contact with Y/n. She looked stunning, Ive missed seeing her beautiful face everyday, but she wasn't alone. She was dancing all over Diggory. Y/n and Cedric? How long has this been going on. Sadness fills my body. Has she really gone and started seeing Diggory. "Why who are they?" Alice spoke while looking at the three of us. Non of us answered and just continued awkwardly looking at the group. "Erm hello, i guess i will go get the beers then." Alice spoke and stormed over to the bar.

"What she doing with Cedric?" Enzo asked. "I have no idea mate." Theo answered. I didn't even want to speak. Y/n looked so mad we were here. I went and found a table and sent Enzo to help Alice with the beers. Theo came with me and kept asking if i was okay. I still didn't want to speak, why couldn't he just leave me alone. "Matth..." Theo spoke but i interrupted him and said "What Theo, of course i'm not okay mate. Is that what you want to hear." i Snapped. "No wasn't going to ask that this time mate, Alice and Enzo are talking to Y/n, Pansy, Blaise and Cedric." Theo said before standing up and walking over. My head shot up, i could hear faint shouting in the distance so i quickly followed Theo over.

Y/n's POV
I made eye contact with Mattheo. I was now filled with rage, but a small hint of sadness. How did he even have the nerve to come here, i understand he didn't know i would be here but why isn't he hurting the same way i am, he's moved on so quickly. The random girl and Enzo were stood 2 metres away at the bar i couldn't hold it in anymore. I had now snapped. I stormed over to them both and said "Who's she then Enzo." My face red from anger. "Well the one you call she is Alice" She spoke with a smug expression. "It's Mattheos Girlfriend Y/n" Enzos face filled with guilt. "Your mistaken Enzo, im Mattheos Fiancé" She smiled holding up her ring. Fiancé? What the hell. Pansy came running over due to the loud talking and dirty looks getting thrown from the both of us. "Y/n maybe we should go." She spoke before trying to pull me away. "Actually i think we should celebrate, let's celebrate Mattheo and his new fiancé. Whoopp" i Screamed before accidentally spilling my drink on her shoes. It wasn't an accident but if anyone asks i will tell them it was. It went for 0 to 100 really quick she was now screaming in my face and i was doing the same back. Just then Mattheo swoops in like a knight in shining armour and pulls Alice back. "Oh look who is it, the saviour, come to save your fiancé have you?" I shouted, i could cry but i turned my emotions into anger. "Listen y/n it's not what it seems." He spoke trying to hold Alice still.

"Y/n come on let's just go" Cedric came to me and grabbed me to hold me back. "Fucking Cedric really Y/n?" Mattheo said now looking infuriated. "I guess you were wrong about him Mattheo" i smirked before turning around and kissing Cedric passionately. It was received well and he returned the kiss. Just then i knew i had pushed Mattheo too far. He let go of Alice and ran and grabbed me and pushed me into Pansy before Punching Cedric. Mattheo and Cedric fought for what seemed like forever until Blaise and Enzo split them up.

We were now thrown out of the pub. I was fuming that Mattheo had started the fight yet we were all thrown out. By now it was nearly 1am and i didn't feel like going home in the state i was, so Pansy suggested i just go back to Hogwarts with her. I didn't really have a choice, i didn't want to go back home and be up all night tossing and turning over tonight's events so i went with them. Cedric said i could sleep in his dorm and as stupid as i might of been. I did so. We got to his dorm and went inside. "Sorry about tonight Y/n, i didn't want it to turn out the way it did" Cedric sadly said as he sat down on his bed. "It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong." I spoke before joining him on the bed. We both looked at each other. "I'm sorry about kissing you too, i didn't even know if you wanted me to." I spoke trying to hide my face from his. "I did. I did want you to kiss me." he said before grabbing my head and making me look at him. The tension was high. Before i knew it we were kissing, kissing like i've never been kissed before. He proceeded to take his shirt off and i did the same with mine. He kissed my neck making my legs shake uncontrollably. Was i about to loose my virginity? While he kissed me i imagined Mattheo and how i longed for him. I had to stop. "Sorry Cedric, im not ready" i spoke before getting off his lap and sitting back down on the bed. "Hey, it's fine, we can just go to sleep." he said before kissing my forehead and climbing into the bed.

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I like how Cedric was there for us!
Will Mattheo explain himself to Y/n?

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