The morning after the Party

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Mattheos POV
It was now the morning after the party, I ended up sleeping on a coach in the common room because I didn't want to have to deal with Alice after she stormed off at the party. It might of looked really shitty of me not leaving the party with her but I wasn't in love with her. I didn't even want to be with her. When I woke up I decided I had to go talk to Alice, tell her what I'm feeling and hope she can keep this a secret from my father. I walked in my dorm and saw Alice sat on the bed reading. "Hey, erm can we talk." I said nervously hoping she wasn't about to cause an argument. "Sure, sit down." She replied moving her legs so I could squeeze on the bed with her. "Alice I know I made a promise to my father about the weddi..." I began to speak. "I know Mattheo, I know you don't want to marry me. In all fairness I don't want to marry you either. But do we have any choice?" She said, looking at me then putting her head down. I was quite shocked to say the least. "I had a life before this Mattheo, I'm only like this because of my parents. I had a boyfriend back home until your father demanded me to leave him for you." A tear fell down her face. I never knew this, I didn't think she held so much pain inside of her, I just thought she was this cold witch that hated everyone. I'm reality, she's doing what she can to please her parents.

"Alice, I had no idea. I'm so sorry you had to go through this." I pulled her close to me, hugging her tightly. "Thanks Mattheo." She sobbed in my arms. After this conversation it made me realise how lovely Alice could be without being under her parents and my fathers commands, so I did my best to comfort her and tell her she wasn't alone. After a while of sitting and chatting together she asked "So you like Y/n Potter then?"
My head quickly spun to look at her and I was speechless, could I trust her not to say anything? "Don't worry Mattheo, you can trust me." She smiled kindly at me. "Well yeah, I do... I hope that isn't too weird." I smiled back. "Of course it isn't." She laughed and I laughed too.

At breakfast Y/n's POV
After this mornings antics, I couldn't get food out of my brain so I forced Hermione to get dressed quickly and we made our way to breakfast. Surprisingly Harry and Ron were already devouring food when we got there, so I sat down and dug in myself. "Christ Y/n, you never had food before." Ron giggled making me look up and smile with a mouth full of toast. "She's hungover Ron and won't admit it." Hermione said. "For goodness sakes Hermione, how many times do I have to say, I had one drink. I'm just hungry." I angrily replied to Hermione's comment making her roll her eyes. "Calm down Y/n, it's only a joke." Harry defended Hermione. "Well it's not a funny one." I snapped at him, before getting up from my seat and storming out of the great hall. My mood swing was a shock to my friends, but I can only take so much comments before I eventually loose it, so I made my way to the garden and began to study.

Today was a no lessons day, due to the names being chosen by the cauldron so I enjoyed the sun and caught up on some work. After a while Mattheo came to the garden and was standing over me not saying a word. "Can I sit." He eventually said. I looked up at him and not wanting to shout or scream I nodded my head and he sat down at the side of me. "You okay?" Mattheo asked me. "Yeah, just perfect." I sarcastically replied. "You didn't seem okay storming through the great hall earlier." He said. "Oh just my friends pissing me off as usual" I glanced up at him and giggled. "Well you could always come hang with my friends." He offered which made me roll my eyes. "Yeah the death eaters that helped kill my father alongside you and your father, great idea." I raised my voice. "We are so much more than that you know." He remained calm.
"Draco?" I questioned. "Well yeah he can be a dick but..." he answered.
"Astoria." I questioned. "Yeah I know she can sometimes be annoying" he answered.
"Theo" I questioned. "Theo can be nice sometimes." He answered.
"Enzo." I questioned. "On his behalf he had nothing to do with it" he answered.
"Alice." I questioned giving him a weird look. "It's complicated Y/n" he answered giving me the same look back.
"Mattheo listen to yourself, you know it'd never work out us being friends again." I said as I put my head down. It went silent again, there's nothing I want more than to go back to when I first started here being friends with everyone and me and Mattheo having our weird relationship thing, but I just couldn't see that happening again. Just then I heard the voice of Viktor Krum. "Y/n, wanna come for a walk." He asked me and I looked from him to Mattheo and back to him. Mattheos face was disappointed but I couldn't stay here and go round in circles anymore so I accepted Viktor offer and got up looking down and giving Mattheo an awkward smile before walking off.

Mattheos POV
When she walked off I heard the laughter of Draco behind me which caused me to turn to him and see him, Theo and Enzo on the way over to me. "Ouch mate. That's got to hurt." Draco laughed as they all sat down with me. "Fuck off Draco." I replied throwing a book at him, which he annoyingly caught. "Don't worry you have us to hang out with." Enzo wrapped his arm around me chuckling to himself causing Theo and Draco to laugh along. "Get off me you weirdo." I pushed his arm off me and said. "What do you see in her anyways mate, she's rude." Draco piped up. "Well she is gorgeous, have you seen her." Theo laughed looking at me to which he met my angry face and stopped. "Just saying" Theo defended himself. "She's just great at everything boys, great at magic, great at work, great dress sense, great in bed...." I rambled and realised what I said and covered my mouth. "No fucking way, you've slept with her." Theo questioned very intrigued. "Pretend you didn't hear that." I pleaded to them. They laughed at first then realised I was serious and nodded their heads. "What will Alice say though." Draco added to the previous conversation. I then told them what Alice said to me earlier and they understood that Alice wasn't ever interested in me and she was only doing it to keep her parents and my father happy.

A short one, but I loved this part!!!
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