To new beginnings and maybe new friends.

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After my arrival, the four of us made our way to the Gryffindor common room. "So y/n this is the common room and to enter the password is..." Hermione spoke but i interrupted and said "Banana Fritters." Everyone just stared at me. "How could you possibly know that?" Ron said in shock. "Erm, I came back here with Cedric the other night and..." I said awkwardly, this time Harry interrupted me and said "No need to finish that sentence I don't want them pictures in my head." Everyone laughed including me. "Jeez, it wasn't like that." I said, still giggling. "No no, stop talking" Harry laughed while covering his ears. "We really need to get the password changed if Gryffindor are falling for the Slytherin's now" Ron laughed. "Excuse you, I'm Gryffindor now." You said proudly and posed in your new uniform as the door to the common room opened.

Luckily Hermione didn't have a dorm buddy, so I could share with her. We excitedly opened the door and it looked.. Well to put it nicely. It looked bare. No crazy green colours. No smell of alcohol and weed. Just a simple bed, with a simple bedside lamp and a simple box for clothes... "So... What do you think" Hermione said excitedly. "Yeah its.. Nice." I lied. "I'm glad you like it" Hermione said before pulling me into a hug. "Now we have about an hour and 23 minutes before our next lesson.. So what do you want to do?" Hermione said quickly, running out of breath. "Well I was actually going to talk with Harry.. You know I think we need a proper one to one chat about... things" I said before looking down at the floor, scratching my neck awkwardly. "Yeah I get it, I'm sure you two will be fine though. Its like a fresh start" Hermione said. I then smiled at her and made my way out of the dorm in search of Harry.

I spotted him with Ron sitting on the benches outside. "Hey, erm Harry could we maybe talk?" I questioned. "Erm, sure." Harry said gesturing for Ron to leave us alone. "Goodluck" Ron chuckled as he walked away from us. This was it, the long awaited talk between Y/n Potter and Harry Potter. "So y/n" Harry started speaking but I cut him off. "Actually Harry can I start" I said looking at him. He looked back at me and let me continue. "I know you must think me and my mom are these horrible people, but we really aren't. My mom had no idea about my dads other family and she still feels guilty now... and I'm sorry if I did something that made you really hate me, but I loved my father and I always will..." I said before thinking and then looked down. Harry rubbed my back and said "I don't think that anymore y/n, I'm sorry for the way i treated you. Yeah at first I didn't like you and I maybe hit you.. but I just didn't know how to react when you came, everyone was looking and gossiping It was just hard at first but I've got over it and i would love to start a fresh." You looked back at him and smiled. "After all, we are Potters and like dad used to say, Potters stick together." Harry said before pulling me into a hug. "By the way, the punch you gave me was weak" I broke up the hug and laughed. "Yeah maybe I deserved that one" Harry laughed with me.

Mattheos POV

Seeing her walk in, I fell in love all over again. When she looked over at our table a huge aura of sadness filled my body. I looked around at all my friends and they were all staring at me. "That bitch from the bar" Alice spoke, non of us replied though... Not just because no one liked Alice, but mostly because we didn't know what to say. The Hufflepuff table was dismissed, then the Gryffindor, then the Ravenclaw and then the Slytherin. But i just sat there, noise ringing in my ears. "Mattheos, what are you doing come on!" Alice said while pulling on my arm but i ignored her. "Hey, erm Astoria take Alice to the dorms, us lot are going for a walk." Theo said. Astoria then pulled Alice away from me and they walked away. The rest of the group sat around me in silence. Draco broke the silence and said "Well... That was unexpected.." Still silence... "Maybe we should try talk to her" Enzo said. "Are you mental mate, no fucking way." Theo quickly said. "Just an idea.." Enzo replied throwing his hands in the air. I stay silence in this whole exchange. I just had no words... Just then, the same pain ran through my death eater mark on my arm. It must of done the same for the others because we all was screaming hysterically. "The key Draco!" Theo screamed. We all grabbed the key and went to the manor. 

We quickly run up the manor stairs and into the meeting room, In the distance I see Astoria and Alice talking with my Father and Alice's Parents. "I tried to stop her Mattheo, I promise" Astoria said running up to me. "SIT" My father screamed. We all quickly went to our seats, i had a clearer view of Alice and she was sobbing into her mothers arms. "Alice has dropped the news that Y/n Potter is back in Hogwarts..." My head sprung up and stared at my father. "Not only that, Y/n Potter was threatening Alice in a bar.. Mattheo why wasn't this brought to my attention." My father said, all eyes were now on mine. "Erm.. I.." I panicked, not knowing what to say. "Actually my lord, I had to stop Mattheo from killing Y/n, because..i thought... Alice could do it, after the whole Mattheo and Y/n I thought it would be better suited for Alice to finish the job." Draco said, Draco lied to my father to protect me, but by protecting me, its put a whole different problem in the mix. If Alice killed Y/n, I would have to kill Alice. Before i could jump in and say anything my father spoke "Well, I think that's actually a better outcome actually Mr Malfoy. Welldone." Draco looked smug, i wanted to knock the look off his face. "Well Alice will have to stay here to train with us, Y/n Potter is not to be underestimated. But dear Mattheo do come visit your bride to be" My father spoke. I looked at him with zero expression and got up quickly out of my seat and left the Manor.

When we got back to Hogwarts, I walked quickly to the gardens while the others followed behind me. "Wait up mate" Draco said to me. I turned around and grabbed his uniform and pulled him off the floor before slamming him to the ground, Enzo quickly grabbed me off of him and Theo picked Draco up off the floor. "Don't fucking mate me Draco, you've just signed Y/n's death wish." I said trying to get out of Enzo's arms. "Are you joking, ive just saved your ass." He shouted back. The whole argument went on for what seemed like forever before Astoria shouted "What the fuck is happening to us, we cant go on like this Theo, Draco come on. Enzo sort him out." We calmed down, Theo and Draco went with Astoria and I reluctantly walked with Enzo (Not before punching a few things in my path.)

We got to the bit in the garden where we saw Y/n and Harry talking. I was about to go over but Enzo pulled me back. "Not like this..." Enzo spoke. "What?" I replied trying to push past him. "If you really like her mate, enough to go against your Father and Alice, you got to do it properly" Enzo said pulling me away again. "How do I do that though, she wont ever talk to me again" I said looking at Enzo with a tear in my eye. "Well first off no crying." He said catching the tear on my face. "Second, no punching shit and getting angry." He continued making me look down at the blood pouring from my hand. "And third, just use the Mattheo charm that made her fall for you in the first place" He finished. I then took his words in and smiled. "You might just be saying that shit to calm me down and hell it worked." I laughed "But thanks Enzo." I smiled at him. "No problem bro." He smiled too and put his hand out for a fist bump.

This part was a bit boring, but its for the story!!

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