The party shenanigans

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Y/n's POV
"You excited for the party y/n" Hermione said while putting on the brightest blush I've ever seen. "I mean sort of, todays kinda been a blur, but I'm sure it'll be fun" I reply sticking my last eyelash on and looking at Hermione trying to read her reaction. "Yeah I know what you mean, I'm sure when we get there it'll be fine." Hermione reassured me and hugged me tight. I loved that me and Hermione could gauge each others reactions so well, it just showed how close us two have come as friends. "Okay mione, hurry up though. I seriously don't want to be the last ones there." I laugh pulling Hermione to her feet. We both had one last glance in the mirror to make sure we looked flawless and out of the dorm room we went.
It was typical we had to go get the boys. Even though we both had makeup and hair to do, Ron and Harry always took longer to get ready. I banged loudly on the boys dorm in hopes one of them could hear me over the radio they had blasting. Finally Ron came to the door and let us both in. "Sorry we're late, Harry couldn't decide on an outfit." Ron laughed leading us through the dorm that had clothes thrown all over. "Jesus Harry, who you trying to impress." Hermione said as Harry pulled his tie straight and posed to the three of us. Harry just laughed and Ron said "Harry thinks he's going to find the love of his life now he's in the Triwizarding competition." The four of us laughed and finally we were ready to leave.

Thankfully when we arrived it wasn't too crowded so we found a nice area to sit together and let the fun begin. Harry was trying his hardest not to be happy about being picked from the cauldron but I could see he was genuinely excited to be competing. "Soooo... when are you starting to train?" I question Harry. "Well I was thinking start sooner rather than later. Dumbledore said a clue will come out a few weeks before each task so I'm going to try get some information out of Fleur, Viktor and Cedric." Harry smiled. "Good idea, I'm sure y/n can do some tactics in order to get information out of Krum" Ron winked at me. I spat my cola out and Harry and Hermione both slapped Ron on the shoulder. "Sorry, too far." Ron laughed, throwing his hands in the air.
More people arrived and then came the Durmstrang boys. Instantly my eyes met Viktor and he started heading towards the four of us. "Can I join?" Viktor questioned. I moved my bag off an empty chair and greeted him with a hug. Viktor had such a calming presence about him, he knew how to speak to anyone and make friends so easily, I think that's why Harry, Ron and Hermione don't mind him spending time with us and it's a bonus for me as I can't get enough of his presence. After a while, the room was packed with people, everyone celebrating the four people competing, Harry went to mingle, Hermione was in a debate about school work with some of the hufflepuffs, Ron was that drunk he was dancing on a table and Viktor went to get us both a "strong drink" as he was very drunk and I was. Well sober. I wanted to get on a drunk wavelength, but I couldn't. I was trying my hardest to hide the fact I wasn't feeling it tonight but I guess my expressions could be seen a mile off as Mattheo came over to me. "Not having a good time." He calmly said before coming to sit at the side of me. "Am I that easy to read." I laugh, rubbing my eyes as I grow more tired. I quickly look at my hands and see in my tired state I have rubbed my mascara all over my face. "Shit." I panic slightly. "Is it bad." I say to Mattheo showing him my face. I knew he wanted to lie to me and say it wasn't but his face said a thousand words. "Shit... fuck..." I panic more. "Calm down it's not the end of the world, come with me." He quickly replied pulling me off my seat and running out of the party to the nearest bathroom.
When we entered the bathroom he picked me up and placed me on the sink. He ran a piece of cloth under a warm tap and pressed it under my eyes. In this moment I wanted to kiss him so badly. His face was so concentrated on making sure I was okay. I giggled slightly at his face. "What" he calmly said, now wiping the mascara off the other side of my eye. "Nothing, you just look so funny right now." I giggle again and he stops and smiles at me. "I hope that's a compliment" He giggles back at me. "I think it might be." I reply back and just stare at him. The room went silent, our faces went to blank expressions. Non of us knew what to do in the moment. Our faces grew closer. And closer. And Mattheo was about to lean in until I said. "Stop."
"What" he looked at me confused. "We can't do this Mattheo." I quickly replied jumping off the sink and standing away from him. "Y/n I'm confused right now, what do I have to do to prove I want you." He said defeated. "Mattheo... I'm sorry but this can't work." I look at him and then the door and without hesitation leave and go back to the party.

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