Chapter One

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A/N: Hello everyone, supposing anyone is actually reading this I would like to say a couple things. For one, the reader's pronouns will be she/her as those are my pronouns, however, if anyone wants the reader to be gender neutral please say so in the comments and I will try my best to change the pronouns.

Second, despite the chapter saying chapter one I started off with the prologue so the actual chapter is about 3-4 paragraphs down

Without further ado, please enjoy


Why did everything feel so meaningless? Why does nothing matter to you? Why when they hurt you do you feel numb? Where once getting hit was something you dreaded, now you welcomed it with open arms. Maybe, just maybe one day the abuse would finally kill you.

The people who were supposed to protect you from all evil in the world turned out to be your tormentors. They had been the ones teaching you how to defend yourself in the face of violence. Your once bright e/c eyes had long since faded to a dull hue rendering you to look emotionless.

Y/N L/N, the once bright cheerful young girl was quickly forgotten and ignored by everyone, despite how obvious it was that something was not right? You thought your life was meaningless until you met them, the gang of boys who would quickly remind you what it was like to smile and laugh, and though cheesy, love yourself.

And all of this started when you saved a blonde haired blue eyed boy from getting beaten to death

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Your father's fists beat you mercilessly. Where once you cried out, now you silently took the blows with no emotions on your face. Pain was in a way your closest friend, as you knew that it was the only thing that would never leave you, that and your younger sister whom you treasured. She was the only person who could crack a smile out of you even on the worst days. In return for her never ending kindness, you made sure that the only person getting hit was you.

Back to your current predicament. You don't know how long your dad has been hitting you, however, you do know that you'd fallen to the floor a while ago. Your bruises were never in a spot visible to others. Your father was, in a way, a pro abuser, he knew even in his drunken state where to bruise and not get caught. Your face was always untouched, however your chest (perv), stomach, back, hips, and upper thighs couldn't say the same.

Your bruises never truly healed either, as once one disappeared another quickly took it's place leaving you feeling hopeless. You weren't one of those people who asked for others help either. If you had a problem you would deal with it yourself, after all the only person you could truly rely on was yourself.

When your father finally left, you pulled yourself up, wincing slightly at the thought of dragging yourself to school, but somehow you managed it. School was another thing you hated about your life, the girls were brutal if they didn't like you, and unlucky you happened to be that one person the popular girls didn't like. Honestly you didn't understand why, it's not like you'd even had a conversation with any of them.

You were starting to get into a better mood until you heard there was to be a fight between some of your classmates and some upperclassmen from another school. You wanted to ignore the news however you knew that your classmates would get pulverised in seconds and a part of you wanted to protect them from the threat of upperclassmen.

Soon enough, you found yourself watching a blond boy with blue eyes get beat up. As the minutes tick by you found yourself gain some courage and you walked into the ring in front of the boy, stopping the upperclassman's beating and his friends cruel jeers.

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