Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: Did anyone else notice that the back of Mikey's Bike says Kamikaze in all caps? Like how interesting, and no this is not me being racist (I'm half Japanese anyways) Also anyone who simps for South is wrong.

The said boy arrived wearing a white uniform, his hair up the same way you remembered. The only major difference between the Mikey then and the Mikey now, was this Mikey's eyes were duller, more lifeless than before. It was like staring into a tunnel and knowing no matter how far you enter, you'll never be able to see the light on the other side. You only got kicked out of your thoughts when hundreds of other bikes appeared behind him.

"All 3 gangs are here!" Senju exclaimed surprised, while South laughed saying, "Interesting" like the weirdo he is. "This fight is for Draken!!" Takeomi screamed, veins bulging out of his forehead and cheek. "Let's begin the war of 3 deities!!" South exclaimed, laughing like a maniac.

Someone on the Kanto Manji gang yelled "Kill everybody!!"

As if those were the key words, everyone started rushing at each others. You watched as Takeomi rushed in, and Senju following after, trying to calm down her members to no avail. You watched everything on the sidelines, feeling as though you were witnessing everything inside of a dream. Everything felt hazy, and you couldn't really focus on what was going on. Everything one moment was going so slowly, and now so fast. 

You were almost unaware of Senju's presence when she and Wakasa came over to you. "Don't get involved, Senju. This fight isn't like any other, someone's life just got taken, and that life was Draken. L/N, take care of Brahman's princess." Wakasa said, looking over his shoulder at you, his lollypop stick hanging out of his mouth.

"Let's go Benkei!" Wakasa yelled, running into the fight, with his partner following behind him. You turned your head and watched as Takeomi was beating down 6 people at once trying to get to South. "Why did you kill Draken!? He wasn't even a formal member of Brahman! If you wanted to kill someone it should've been me! Let me go, damn it!!" You couldn't find it in yourself to react to Takeomi's words, you only watched South's unmoving face as he listened to Takeomi.

You watched as he moved to punch the captured Takeomi, only for his punch to be caught by Benkei's arm. "Your punch is kinda weak for someone your size" Next, you watched as Wakasa suddenly jumped into the air, delivering a shot to South's neck with his shoe. "Your dealing with us." Wakasa stated, boredom etched onto his face. "Compassione! First Gen black dragon!" South said, a tick mark under his eye as he continued to grin widely like a fool.

You watched as the duo continue taking down more of South's members until one hundred of them were lying on the floor unconscious. "Benkei and Waka,before the first gen of Black Dragon happned, these two divided the Kantou reigion. Kantou used to be divided into two parts, the east and the west, one the west side of Kantou, with 600 members was a gang named Ragnarok controlled the nation's biggest gang. Their leader, who once walked through the aftermaths of a battle soaked in blood was called "Red Cliff". And to rival Ragnarok was their counterpart, where 12 eastern Kantou gangs merged together to make...Koudou Rengou, and leading the gang was a man who was feared and named the "White Panther." Two gangs feuded aggressively but the person who managed to combine the two teams togeher was a man no one knew about. As Takeomi has always said, there's no mistaking that the toughest brawlers in Japan are those two!" You eyed the two men she was talking about in slight surprise, you didn't know they had such a name for themselves.

"Come at me legends!! Bring it on!!" South yelled, his crazy smile on his face. You watched as the two beat South with ease. Until...the tides changed and South suddenly pounded the two into the dirt causing Senju to leave your side and call out to South in anger. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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