Chapter Two

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The next day, after your morning beating 😞 you walked to school and made it through your first couple of classes with zero problems before someone opened your classroom door in the middle of your lesson.

You ignore it and continue looking out the window until you hear "There she is." Still ignoring everything happening you continued looking outside, unaware of the two boys there for you. "Let's go play Y/N <3" You turned around and paled. There was Mikey close eyed smiling at you and behind him was Draken who was leaning on the door frame, his head bowed down in order to be seen. Not wishing to further embarass yourself you walked over to them without making a sound and your head cast down. When you exited the room you saw the boy you were trying to protect from yesterday. Immediately you walked over to him and switched your role so that he was your shield.

"Good morning." You heard the boy murmer. "Good morning" You responded, meekly nodding your head. "I'm Takemichi by the way, your Y/N right?" You nodded again and looked out the windows, deciding to ignore your surroundings once again until you heard a groan come out from under you. Confused you looked down and saw that you were stepping on some boy laying down on. You tilted your head and looked behind you and saw more boys laying on the ground.

"'m sorry" You said and quickly got off of the boy wondering how you got ontop of him in the first place. In front of you you saw Takemitchi and Draken talking, and Mikey was leading the way.

You sighed as Draken put his arm around an uncomfortable Takemitchi and decided that oh well you guess you are dying today. You gently took Takemitchi's wrist and dragged him away from Draken. When you got your wanted result you let go of him and continued looking mindlessly out the windows until you heard a voice yell, "Hold It Right There!!" Looking away from your window you saw Tachibana Hinata walking over. You shared a couple classes with her and she was your aqquantance.

"Hah, who are you?" Draken asked as Mikey just stared at her. "Hina I'm sorry....Today is actually busy for me, so-" Takemitchi got cut off as Hinata slapped Mikey. You widened your eyes and looked at her, mentally celebrating her. That slap was amazing, Mikey's face looked so funny.

You quietly snickered at Takemitchi's face. "Takemichi, Y/N, Let's go!" Hinata said, grabbing both your arm and Takemichi's. "You both mustn't do what these people want. I'll protect you both." She said. Your eyes widened, but when you looked down you saw her arm trembling.

Suddenly Draken grabbed Hinata's arm calling, "Oi, I'mma murder you Bitch." You gently shook yourself out of her grip and paused. "You just gonna slap someone and then say 'see ya later'? Don't make me laugh!" Draken said angrily. "What part of this is a joke?" Hinata asked, causing Draken to call out "Hah?" You aren't going to lie you zoned out until Takemitchi yelled, "I said to let her fucking go!!" You looked at the two in front of you and promised yourself you would look after them.

"You bastard. Who the fuck you think you're talking to!?" Draken called out. "Ahh, and here I thought you could be my friend, too bad. Well then, how do you wanna die." Mikey asked, his eyes cold as he turned to glare at Takemichi. Ok you are drawing the line. Immediately you stepped in front of Takemichi and shielded him from Mikey's menacing glare. "You are making a face like you won't be able to stand on your own again." Mikey said to Takemitchi. You frowned and put your arms out grabbing Mikey's attention. "Whatever you were gonna do to Takemitchi, you can do it to me instead. I'll take his beating" You said, causing Takemitchi and Hinata's eyes to widen.

"Hm? Alright, I'll kill you instead!" Mikey said still with his glare, and raised his fist getting ready to hit you. You didn't flinch, instead you looked him straight in the eyes and stood taller, refusing to cower. "Just kidding!" Mikey said, causing you to sweatdrop. "Y/N you dummy, there's no way I'd lay a hand on a girl." Mikey said smiling. You looked behind you for a second before walking away to your locker catching Draken's attention. "Where are you going?" You looked at him and responded, "I'm grabbing my bag as I doubt we are coming back and I don't want to return."

You laughed silently behind your hand as Hinata repeatedly apoligized to Mikey who was dramatically being well Mikey. "And you," Mikey said, getting your attention as he walked to you. "What you did was honorable however don't just prepare to sacrifice yourself for someone you barely know. You might be helping them but don't forget about yourself." You nodded and walked away back towards Takemitchi and Hinata. "Y/N, I'll give you a copy of the notes we'll get in our classes" Hinata said smiling at you. You nodded and bowed thanking her.

Somehow you ended up riding with Draken. You gently held onto his coat not wanting to have any physical contact with him when you heard Mikey talking about his dead older brother. You bowed you head slightly and prayed for the dead man. 

Soon you guys arrived at a lake and you paused, widening your eyes at the scenery. The lake sparkled in many different shades of blue You bow and you felt a grin appear on your face. Everything looked perfect. When you closed your eyes you felt the wind go through your hair and sighed content, unaware of the males looking at you. When you reopened your eyes you felt relaxed, well until you remembered who's company you were in. You felt the need to cover your face, but you didn't, however, your hands twitched.

"This is an era when delinquents are called "lame", isn't it?" Mikey asked, his hands in his pockets as he looked at the water. "In my brother's generation, there were quite a lot of street gangs in this area. There, you'd listen to your intuition and act on it." Mikey continued causing you to tilt your head slightly. "Everyone acted big, and all they did was fight. But everyone took care of themselves, so what was so lame about them?" Mikey asked frowning as he sat down. "That's why I'm going to create an era for delinquents" Mikey said, a smile on his face. "You two should accompany me on that journey. I was pleased by you Hanagaki Takemichi, L/N Y/N."

"We have plenty of guys that are good at fighting but there aren't many people like either of you, who would stand against anyone if it were for something you "couldn't give up". Think about it" Draken said walking away with Mikey ditching you guys.

You turned towards Takemichi and bowed before turning to walk away when he thrusted his phone at you and asked for your number. You hesitated but wrote your number in his phone and he wrote his in yours. "Let's take care of each other Y/N, as we are both in the same situation."  He said, causing you to flush slightly and nod. Him and Hinata, they have shown you nothing but kindness, you must return the favor and protect them no matter what.

You walked towards the bus station and checked the time noticing that it was quite late you flinched, knowing that you were going to get in trouble again.

So after another round of your father you stated, "I'm in a late night studying group father, so on the days where I arrive home late it is because I was studying." You father stared you down causing fear to pull at the base of your stomach and you adverted your eyes. "I expect you home on those days sometime between 10-11 understand, if you are working you might as well be doing it right." You nodded your head and when he left grabbed yourself some food as you had lunch a couple hours ago.

The next day was a Saturday, and you remembered you said you would buy your sister ice cream. So being the good sibling you were you took her out and bought her 2 scoops of her favorite ice cream. When you took her back home your phone started ringing and you picked it up after seeing it was Takemitchi.

"Hello?" You asked wondering why he was calling at 6:30 at night. "We are wanted by Draken at the Musashi shrine on the Tama river, they are getting everyone together." You sighed and responded that you'd be there. You turned around and told your sister you had a study meet again. You sweatdropped, what would you say if you were confronted about this. Yeesh you hated studying, your lies were going  to catch up to you.


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