Chapter Five

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"Why are you here?" Mikey asked, his face void of emotions. "Hah? I'd like to know why you're here." Draken responded angrily. "Mikey?" Takemitchi asked sweat dropping. You just stood their and sighed, wondering what they were fighting about.

"I came to visit Takemicchi." Mikey said. "So did I." The faces these two were making is hilarious. "Hah? Takemicchi is my bitch. He ain't got nothing to do with you. Right, Takemicchi?" Mikey asked, hands in his pockets. "Huh? Uhh.." Takemitchi looked confused at the turn of events as you were internally snickering at his expense.

"Hah? If you get him then Y/N's my bitch, ain't that right?" Draken replied, causing you to choke. "What?" You quietly asked, confused now. "Out of the way dumbass, I ain't letting you through." Mikey said. "Hah? No, you move, midget." Draken responded. Both boys you noticed had tick marks on their faces and you started sweating. "Ho...Hold on! Just a second you two!!" Takemitchi said, causing the surrounding people to start praying for him.

"I don't know what happened, but you can't fight!!! Can't you two just calm down a little!!?" Takemitchi yelled, his arms spread out. You winced as Draken grabbed him by his shirt. "Who the fuck do you think I am?"

Your eyes almost popped out of your skull when Mikey picked up a bike, causing Takemitchi to scream, "Mikey! That's my beloved Hayate Model Bike!!!" However, this comment did not stop Mikey from throwing it at Draken, who easily dodged it. You frowned as it smashed into the wall. "My memories!!" Takemitchi yelled. You silently watched as they continued to throw and destroy everything in their path.

Finally when there was nothing else to destroy Mikey and Draken just stared at each other, while Takemitchi was sitting on the ground, his head bowed. "You wanna settle this right here?" Mikey asked. "Bring it on." Draken said.

"Wait." Takemitchi said, standing up, veins popping out of his forhead and neck. "You bastards better cut it the fuck out" He angrily huffed, causing you to run over to him and worriedly stand behind him. "Don't fucking wreck my precious memories!!" He yelled trembling. "Oh." Mikey said. "...When did that happen?" Draken asked. "Don't fuck with me!!!" Takemitchi yelled, trying to land a swing on Mikey but ended up slipping and landing in a pile of garbage.

"Are you okay, Takemicchi?" Mikey asked worriedly. "Shut up!!! Do you think my memories don't matter or something!?" Takemitchi yelled angrily despite being covered in trash. "Now, now. Just calm down." Draken said. "Calm down,, don't jerk me around!! It's you two that are going berserk, ain't it!!?" Takemitchi yelled grabbing Draken's collar. You unfroze and quickly pulled Takemitchi off of him, before Akkun quickly took your place. "Stop it Take!! You tryna get yourself killed!" Akkun asked. "Shut up!! Lemme go!! Do you think the stuff around you doesn't matter!?" Takemitchi continued to yell. "I said I was sorry! It's not like I meant to mess up your stuff." Draken said. "Nothing matters so you might as well fight, huh?" Takemitchi asked. You frowned as Takemitchi slipped to the ground all of a sudden exhausted. "Don't you know how much of a nuisance you two are to everyone else when you fight!!? Everyone that idolizes you two and follows you are fighting too, aren't the!!? It's not just your problem!!! You're tearing Touman apart and that's fucking devastating!" Takemitchi yelled crying. "I don't want that to happen, I don't want to watch something like that happen!! You're being too selfish." Then Mikey flipped the mood by pointing out that Takemitchi had shit in his hair. You snickered at Takemitchi's facial reactions.

"Run, Kenchin." Mikey yelled, "You stink!" Draken called  out. You were the only one who remained with Takemitchi and you nodded to him. "I'll wait for you to finish washing." You said, leaning against his wall. Takemitchi thanked you before going inside. When he left you walked over to his broken Bike and wondered how you could fix it. All the parts were there so all you had to do was get someone who knows a lot about bikes to come over and fix it. You nodded to yourself, you could make it happen.

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