Chapter Ten

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You held your throat as your vision swam, not wanting to remove your eyes from the new threat. So this was the great leader of the Black Dragons huh, you didn't expect him to be so violent, but you weren't surprised either. This was gang life after all.

"You guys are no fair." Taiju continued, a giant vein on his forehead sticking out as he grinned at the bowed members before him. "I'm really lookin' forward to this!!! Let me join the party!!" He yelled, grabbing you by the collar and lifted you to his height, causing you to sweat drop and slightly worry about the outcome.

"HYAHAHAHA" He cackled like a hyena, causing you to sigh in annoyance. You suddenly felt weightless and you blinked in surprise as you were suddenly thrown to the ground, causing a small grunt to slip out of you.

You ignored Hina's and Takemitchi's nervous shouts of your name and got back to your feet, noticing that not one of the members of the gang ever moved. They only stared at your group with disdain in their eyes, waiting to be commanded to pummel you all. 

"...SO, who is this girl? And the boy cowering?" You sweat dropped, so he beat people up without a reason, nice. He seems sane.

"Haha, you punched her without even knowing that? I'd expect nothing less of you, boss. She is L/N Y/N, the first squad leader of Touman, and the boy is Hanagaki Takemitchi." Kokonui said, a grin on his face, as his earring dangled from his move.

"Hahaha this girl is a Touman squad leader? Hey, Koko! That's a real funny joke!" You sighed again and rolled your eyes, annoyed by the males in front of you. You zoned out as Koko and Taiju started laughing until you saw a foot appear in the bottom of your vision. Surprised you backed up, just barely missing Taiju's leg. Yippee.

"So Hakkai brazenly brought Touman members to our house? Even though he wouldn't join the black dragons no matter what I said!!!" Taiju laughed, glaring behind you with his hand covering part of his face.

"Hakkai, you're gonna beat the guy behind you to death. You need to settle this as a Touman member yourself." You frowned at the eldest Shiba with a look of disdain painted on your face. You sighed as Hakkai spoke back to his brother and immediately moved in front of the taller boy when you saw Taiju start walking over. Both of the boys were looming over your figure and stared down at you, one with a face of surprise and worry, and the other angry.

"You have no right interfering with our family matters little girl" Taiju said, glaring down at your figure, his hand getting ready to punch you aside, Yuzuha style. Frowning you pushed Hakkai further behind you and evaded the punch, ducking below his fist.

" I know we might be interfering but Y/N is a girl, are you okay with hitting a girl!!?" You heard Takemitchi ask, causing Taiju's attention to get averted over. You immediately sighed and looked over your shoulder at your friend, wondering why he was so dumb. This was gang life, just because the gang you two belong to doesn't hit girls, doesn't mean all the other gangs will be the same. 

You bit back a groan as a fist erupted into your cheek causing your head to whip to the side. You backed up, trying to bring your focus out of the haze Taiju's fist caused and sighed as another fist landed on your nose, causing blood to start dripping. Wincing you looked up at your tormentor and stood taller, unwilling to cower before him. A giant grin appeared on Taiju's face, causing you to want to back up however you held your ground, knowing that if you gave up your friends would get beaten in your place.

A couple punches later you heard Hakkai renounce his position as a Touman member and join his brother's gang as long as Taiju stopped beating you and you frowned. Angry you turned your head over to Hakkai and glared at him, "That's stupid Hakkai!" You said, neither shouting nor raising your voice, causing the said boy to flinch.

You frowned, hating how you were so weak you couldn't protect the people who needed it most. You aren't going to die when the boy beat you, hell you've probably gone through worse! Why were you so weak? Why can't you just protect people properly. Are you that useless!? You grit your teeth in anger and turned your body, ignoring Hakkai completely as you walked towards Hina and Takemitchi.

"Y/N! Do you want me to carry you!?" Takemitchi asked, his arms waving frantically at you as you looked up at him. "Take Hina home, I can walk by myself, it's not like I'm dying." You responded, brushing past him as you continued walking, trying to ignore the pain you felt on your face. You could feel your eye swelling, and your nose was throbbing, the pain was so brutal that you felt as though you were going to either pass out or throw up.

"Hey, boss never said you could leave!!" Someone random yelled, laying a hand on your shoulder. Angered by this you turned and immediately punched the guy in the face, causing him to get knocked out at the force. "Get your filthy hands off of me you swine." You said, glaring down at the body of the boy.

You continued walking until you reached the train station, ignoring the many eyes you felt around you. You should probably clean yourself up before you get home as your sister will probably freak out. Sighing you closed your eyes and leaned against a pole, wishing you were stronger, strong enough to be able to protect people.

Somehow you got home and ran into your father, who must have taken pity upon you as he didn't beat you up. For some reason this show of mercy made you want to cry for the first time in years. You would much rather he beat you up. You got up to your room where you saw a sleeping S/N in your bed. You smiled slightly wincing as your split lip reopened and walked to your bathroom where you cleaned yourself up. You placed a big bandage on your chin, and a normal sized one on your nose and underneath one eyebrow, and a giant one over the other one, your hair hiding it.

You changed out of your clothes into your PJ's and climbed into bed with your sister almost immediately falling asleep.

When you awoke it was dark outside and your sister was gone. Sighing you sat up and rubbed your forehead tired. Deciding you wanted to go out you walked over to your window and opened it before gently climbing onto the small balcony there. You sat on the ground and looked up at the sky before sighing and running your hand through your hair.

You needed to move, to get up, to walk, to do something other than sit here. You turned towards your house and frowned, you wanted to run away with S/N, you wanted to live somewhere nicer where you didn't have to worry about her safety. No you wanted to run, you needed to run, to hide from the fear that consumed you in this house. The beautiful thing about fear is, the more you run away from it, the closer it gets.

You sighed and went back inside, grabbed your coat and went back outside. Not looking you jumped over your railing and closed your eyes, you've done this so many times you swear you could do it in your sleep. You bit back a grunt as you landed and started walking away. You didn't know where you would end up, all you did know was you needed to go somewhere. 

You were tired, tired of everything. Tired of your father deciding when or when not you had to be on your guard, tired of taking all the beatings, tired of getting hurt for simply existing. What have you done wrong?

How did this all start? You used to be happy, everyone used to be happy. You winced at your thoughts and angrily scratched your arm trying to rid yourself of your thoughts. You used to wish when you were younger to be a grown up, but now, now you wished you could be a kid again.

You sat down on a bench and closed your eyes as you looked up at the sky again. Some days you wished you were a bird, able to fly through the endless skies, not having to worry about anything. To be able to fly freely in the air with nothing holding them back, you really do wish you were a bird.


A/N: So...that took a more depressing turn lol, anyways hope you all are enjoying that book so far. 805 reads in a week, ya'll I'm so happy!!! I thought at most I'd get like 100 but dang.

School for me is starting up again so I'll probably upload 3 chapters a week with a rest day in between. Please continue reading my story!


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