Chapter Nine

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"So this is Mitsuya's middle school, huh?" Takemitchi said beside you. "He called us over here saying he had something to discuss, and yet he's late as fuck." You snickered, "He probably had something to do." You said, staring at the school in front of you.

"Oi! Takemitcchi, Y/N!" You sighed and turned around to see Peyan wearing the ugliest shirt imaginable. You had to avert your eyes his outfit was so bad. You followed Peyan mindlessly until you stood in front of door which suddenly jerked open upon your arrival.

You laughed slightly as Peyan looked scared of a girl with twin braids. Pretty hilarious, anyways you looked past the girl as Mitsuya suddenly appeared. "Hey Takemicchi, Y/N" You nodded in greeting before walking past him as you looked around his club watching as everyone was sowing.

You walked around interested until you saw a girl worried over what stitch she should do for the corner. "A blunt stitch should be used there." You stated calmly as  you looked over her shoulder. "H-huh?" The girl asked looking at you confused. "A blunt stitch is a stitch where insttead of having a vertical to the horizontal stitch, 1 to 3 stitches are added diagonally at the corner while shifting direction, you get a more professional finish when you use the technique." You explained walking away to watch everyone.

Little did you know Mitsuya the stalker was watching you with a small smile on his face. "Since when did you know how to stitch?" Takemitchi asked, surprise etched on his face. "Since I was about 5 years old, I would practice on my old clothing until I got good enough to patch up everyone's clothes like they were new." You replied.

"I feel immensely grateful to you, Y/N, Takemicchi, for saving Mikey and Draken during the 8/3 dispute, and for opening everyone's eyes on bloody halloween. So, when it came to your guys' Toppuku, I wanted to be the one to make them for sure." Mitsuya said, holding out two completed uniforms. You bowed and thanked him, a small grin on your face that everyone noticed.

Day of the Assembly

"Move your asses, Y/N, Takemicchi." Peyan said, his normal weird look on his face. "Now for your Debut's" Mitsuya said, a smile on his face. You looked into the crowd and saw some familiar faces. Kisaki, Smiley,  and then you saw a whole bunch of strangers.

You stood beside Takemitchi as you both walked towards Draken, while on either side members of the gang stood watching you. You sighed and straightened your back as you walked, wearing the uniform proudly.

"Man that doesn't suit you at all!" Draken said grinning at Takemitchi. "Right, it felt pretty impressive putting it on." Takemitchi laughed, rubbing the back of his head while grinning, causing you to smile at him. 

"It's official now, welcome to the Tokyo Maji gang, Hanagaki Takemitchi, L/N Y/N." You and Takemitchi bowed in response as he yelled "Please take care of us!!
 "Now then, let's start the assembly!"

"This is going to be an important assembly so prepare yourself" Draken said seriously, causing you to exchange a look with Takemitchi who gulped nervously at you.

You took in a sharp intake of breath when you saw Hanma Shuuji walk out from behind Mikey still wearing his Valhalla jacket. Then you saw Baji walk out with Chifuyu. "Today's assembly's gonna be rough." Draken said, a blank look on his face. "This is the conclusion of Bloody Halloween!"

You watched the front as everything seemed to happen in a blur. You looked at Kisaki with a suspicious look on his face as Hanma suddenly surrounded his gang to Touman. This had to be a set up, there's no other way this would have happened. Frowning you turned to see Takemitchi coming to the same realization, however, his face was twisted in a comical way causing you to snort slightly.

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