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Years after 2016; around 2018.

It felt different. This wasn't a dream, but it wasn't “real,” whatever that may be considered as. But she certainly was physically asleep.

Noises. Noises? No, voices. Who's Voices?

Everything was dark, perhaps her eyes were closed.

No, no, they were certainly open.

That feeling. It was back.

She hadn't felt it for years, since the Incident.

Looking around, it was all dark, the color black with a blue tint.

[  ]: No, no. You can't tell me what to do!

She walked towards it, not knowing really where to go or what to expect. She walked until there seemed to be a wall shaded out in the darkness, the people talking from behind it, but far away.

The cat reached the end of the wall listened.

[   ]: You cannot do this, any of this. It is against everything, you may not interact in that world. You no longer exist there,

[   ]: And what you're doing cannot continue- you've killed people- you're not allowed to own this much power, and-

[   ]: No. No no no no no no no no

The no-s continued to interrupt the other, trying to drown out the voice.

[   ]: No no no no no NO.

Finally, the cat started to try and looked past the wall.

[   ]: YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. I will get this, ALL THIS, and they'll pay- BOTH of them for making me THIS and BETRAYING ME.

She couldn't see whoever was talking with the underlined dialog, but she sure saw who was making all that fuss.

She knew him. She recognized him.

Tabby cat. Black ear. Wings. Tail.

He seemed to see her too, he looked scared, and as soon as it all started it ended.

The cat awoke and frantically say up.

What the hell was that?

It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It was just a dream.

But dreams don't have your dead son all warped and yelling about being “betrayed.”

Sydney rubbed her eyes, trying to forget it. Why the heck was her mind making these wicked things up?

She got up and walked towards the door and out the room.

Before she knew it she was quickly rushing to the basement and turned the lights on-

Just to find her kid slumped over their desk, passed out after working on machinery for 12+ hours of the day.

Sydney sighed due to relief.

It's okay, they're okay. Both of them are okay.

Nothing will happen, that was a terrible dream- nightmare- whatever- her mind made up to haunt things she's thought about.

Everything will be okay.

Words: 436

Book 2: Future | Dog Man Dead Petey AUWhere stories live. Discover now