Chapter 5: What Good Is "Present" And "Future" If Theres No "Past" With Them?

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Alternate Chapter Title: "Chapter 5: A Look Into Another Life"

This chapter will include:
-blood, coughing up blood
-small amount of swearing
-attempt of murder
-possibly very heart breaking past memories that will emotionally destroy you (as said by Aextriot )

You have been informed.

Small note: The cats, before they learn to walk like humans, start out as kittens when they are first born. This means that they can run around on all four paws and meow before being able to act human-like.


Sid gasped, not knowing what on Earth was happening, it was all black, nothing could be heard, but then.

They were in a field?

The field then turned out to be what looked like a small-ish plot of short, green grass. To the left of where they were standing, they saw a small playground. About 10 feet across and to the right was an area of pavement, and then a bigger playground that went to the side of a building.

Sid turned around- there was a building behind them. It was tan and made of what looked to be bricks, and had some tinted black windows.

The sun was high in the sky, there were trees and a fence outlining the play area. A slight breeze made its way along the plot of land, making its way to the calico.

Sid: What is this

They asked, looking around for any sign of Petey. There were other cats around, young ones. How did they not notice them?

Sid: Where am I?

Sid looked down and froze. Their paws, their fur, it was brighter. It wasn't their current fur.

They weren't themself

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They weren't themself. They were Li'l Sydney.

This wasn't okay. Yes, Sid was, in fact, biologically sexless and didn't need to transition or change anything to feel comfortable, but it still felt very, very wrong.

Li'l Sydney was not them, they were not Li'l Sydney. Not anymore, at least. Sid viewed them and their younger self as if they were two different people- the same in the end, but with so many different views and thoughts.

Sid didn't like this. they wanted to claw out of their body and find their proper self.

Sid: Why do I look like this!?

Book 2: Future | Dog Man Dead Petey AUWhere stories live. Discover now