Chapter 2: That Is Until Tonight, When You Turn Out The Light.. And Everything..

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The chapter title is too long for Wattpad. Full title:

"Chapter 2: That Is Until Tonight, When You Turn Out The Light.. And Everything Stands Still."



This chapter will include:

-Paranormal activity
-Small mentions of being burnt but never explicitly showing it

You have been informed.


I am also not fully proud of some of the drawings in some of the following chapters. In my opinion, they feel sort of rushed, even though some of them took hours. I apologize for this, and do know that I can do better.


Also, Sid's first floor home layout, to avoid any confusion:

Also, Sid's first floor home layout, to avoid any confusion:

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November 16
Time: 1:34 PM

They had woken up, gotten a small breakfast, worked, lost their screwdriver but found it again, worked, remembered that their family was going to help them unpack some boxes, worked, and finally took a small moment for a break.

They were tired, that's for sure, but didn't stop. It was calming, in a way, to get lost in all this engineering, even though every minute they felt closer and closer to needing a moment to regenerate.

It was, really, all they knew. Keep working, good things will find their way through. That's how they graduated, right? And had gotten into college? Good things came from hard work. But it was so tiring, so very, very tiring.

They were walking around the small house, not paying attention to the world around them. Finally, stopping, they looked up into a mirror.

Sid looked at their glasses, the fluff on their face, everything they were. Everything Sid was. But was this Sid Lawson?

They were happy with how far they've gotten. And that was all that mattered.

The door was knocked on, but quickly slammed(? it wasn't that loud) open and Zuzu ran in. Sydney followed in after her, apologizing for the ruckus, but Sid didn't mind.

Book 2: Future | Dog Man Dead Petey AUWhere stories live. Discover now