Chapter 25: Revenage

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"I don't care if I fall in love with the devil. As long as that devil will love me, the way he loves hell."

I'm backkkk ;)

I pulled him off the wall and began to drag him toward an abandoned classroom.
Using wordless magic I opened the door.
"You're going to kill me!" He screeched, he started to worm around in my grip, attempting to break free. At that moment I decided to free him from my grip, only to shove him into the dark room.
"Silencio." I commanded, leaving him completely mute.



Tom's POV:

I stood in the doorway for a moment. Looking at the panic in his face gave me a surge of pleasure that rang all the way down my body.

fuck I missed this feeling

A smirk played its way onto my face. Taking a step inside before muttering a "Colloportus", which slammed the door shut, leaving us in complete darkness.

Taking a deep breath in, the smell of fear was practically dripping off of him.

This is gonna be fun.

I pointed my wand at the darker mass that I knew was Janes "Diffindo". A light emitted from my wand, giving me temporary sight of the sickening teen. The spell tore through his arm, leaving a large slash in his skin. Blood began to pour out of it.
Janes began to roll across the floor in pain.
"Oh I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" I teased. Sending another blow but this time up his torso. The small flash of light allowed me to witness his muscle contract, leaving his stiff, stuck in one position, his mouth agape, trying to scream.

A snicker left my lips. I took a step forward, bending down to one knee so I was up close to him. "Go ahead and try to scream. No one can hear you Janes. And no one is coming to help you. You are a filthy blood traitor. And you deserve this. You are nothing. You are. Disgusting." I was keeping my voice as low and as sickly calm as possible. Removing any and all emotion from my tone.

I stood back up. "Remember this moment. Next time you even breathe in her direction." I paused. "Sectumsempra" Sending him one last curse. Gashes began appearing all over him. Janes lay flat on the floor at this point, in too much pain to move; however I could hear him start to gargle on the blood that collected in the back of his throat.

I left him there for a minute, letting the blood run down his sides, pooling onto the floor around him.
"As much as I would love to watch you bleed out. Unfortunately that isn't in my plan as of now." Once again pointing my wand at his body I begrudgingly sent out the counter curse. " Vulnera Sanentur." Because my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I was able to see the wounds beginning to close back up and his blood disappearing. "I hope you know how lucky you are. To come face to face with the end of my wand and surviving."

I sent out one last spell, which would prevent him from speaking about this. Encounter. Before turning around and walking out the door, leaving the pathetic excuse of a man lying on the floor.

If anyone found him there, they would most likely assume he had gotten too drunk and fell asleep in some random closet.

Not like it would be the first time.


Finally stepping into my shared room, I pretty much collapsed onto my bed, sinking into the mattress.

Fuck me.
What the hell am I even doing with her.
She was not in my plan for this year. But I'm not mad at her being here.
She makes me feel and think things.
Things I've never felt before.
She's just some stupid Hufflepuff.
What the fuck am I doing?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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