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Stiles is in a good mood, and that's why fate decides to fuck him over. His strategy of working in the conference room instead of the bedroom is doing wonders for him in terms of getting his homework done and also working with Barnes. The supersoldier doesn't talk much, and when he does, it's random questions about Stiles. But he stays longer and longer each time, sometimes coming back in the same day. It's progress, at least. Enough progress that he extends his contract for a month, with the option to keep extending as long as everything works out.

He had an excellent conversation with one of the professors over his thesis, his session with a client was extremely productive, and he and Derek were going to have a romantic dinner when they got home.

Then Tony Stark happens.

He's heard from Thor and sometimes from Rogers that Stark is increasingly irritated that he can't find any information on Stiles. When one of his professors at Cornell emails him saying someone was asking after him, Stiles starts to up his protections against Friday and people who are working for, know, or may be hired without knowing by anyone in the Avengers to find more information about him. The man definitely has Slytherin tendencies.

When Stiles and Derek arrive at the tower in the afternoon, Stiles doesn't even notice that they aren't on their floor when the elevator stops. He's in the middle of a conversation - rant, really - regarding a text between himself and Kira on the better member of the RWBY team. He's a Yang fan hardcore, and nothing against Weiss, but come on!

He doesn't stop talking until Derek claps him hard on the shoulder when he goes to exit the elevator.

"What?" he asks, one foot hovering comically in the air. When he looks around, he blinks. This is not their hallway leading to various apartments on the upper floor. They're on the common room floor. Considering there are no buttons in this particular elevator, and all requests have to be routed and confirmed through Friday, there's no way they accidentally came here.

"There he is!"

Stiles' foot comes down hard against the tile and he glares at Stark as the man walks toward them with open arms. "Do not want."

While he's adopted a polite facade with the Avengers for the most part, Stark is too inquisitive and likes to press Stiles' buttons. They rub each other the wrong way a lot. Derek does as much as he can to be a buffer, but Stark shifts his focus to Derek and that ruffles Stiles' feathers even more.

So for Stark to be so happy to see them, something must have happened or is going to happen. Stiles doesn't want to stick around for any of it. Unfortunately, Friday is a traitor and the elevator doors close behind them and refuse to open, even when Stiles glares at them.

Stiles crosses his arms and glares at Stark. "What? We have plans. That do not involve you. Like, at all."

"That's too bad. My plans do involve you." He turns to Derek with a frown. "Not you, though. Have fun elsewhere."

Derek and Stiles glare at Stark and don't move. The moment the elevator doors open, Stiles turns on his heel and rushes towards it, but Derek stops him. They engage in a very serious facial expression showdown, which is along the lines of, I want to get the hell out of here! And He won't let us both leave. Just find out what he wants.

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