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Taemin P.O.V


4 Years Later

I sighed and sat down. I'd spent hours packing my things. I was finally done. It had been a long four years. I'd experienced so much and done so many things. I had best friends who I knew would stay with me forever. I had the best boyfriend ever. I grew up so much. I couldn't help but reminisce. The dorm was pretty small and didn't have any significant value but it held so many memories. I looked up at the sound of the door opening. Onew had a smile on his face as he walked over to me.

"It's time." I nodded. We finally graduated and were moving in together. Everything was finally going my way.

"I'm going to miss this place." He raised a brow and sat down beside me.

"We almost died." I chuckled.

"We did but we still made it here. We still have so many memories of this tiny little room. Although, it took way too long for me to convince you to move in with me." He smiled.

"After I met you, being alone didn't suck so bad."

"I'm thankful for that."

"But I'm glad we're moving in together. I've wanted it for a while now."

"Me too." I glimpsed down at my phone when it went off. I smiled.

Minho Hyung

Minho Hyung
I'm terrified.

Don't be.
He loves you more than anything in the world.

Minho Hyung
Are you sure?

I'm positive.
Remember to be at our place at 7

Minho Hyung
Will do


I sat my phone back down and shook my head. Onew chuckled and stood up. He held out his hand for me. I grabbed it and stood up.

"We should get all of our stuff in the car. We don't have much time to unpack."

"Let's go." He nodded. It was a short drive to our apartment. He spent about an hour bringing our stuff in and unpacking. I sat down on the couch and huffed. He sat down beside me and grabbed my hand.

"Why are you huffing, baby?"

"Why did it take longer to pack than it did to unpack?" He laughed.

"Because you decided that you wanted to pack the rest of our stuff on your own."

"I will not make that mistake again."

"Well, I'd like to think we'll be living here for a while." I giggled and slid into his lap.

"Me too, love." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He sighed into the kiss. I never got tired of hearing his little noises when I kissed him. The kiss only lasted for a moment before he pressed me down on the couch. I got excited thinking about all of the things he wanted to do to me. My hands slid under his shirt as I dug my nails into his back. He pulled away and smirked.

"You're playing a dangerous game little one." I glimpsed at the clock before responding.

"We have time. Do your worst." He pulled my shirt off and began to kiss down my neck and stomach. I sighed and slid my hands into his hair. It had been a while since we were able to do this and Onew took full advantage of it. It was a couple of hours before we finished. After that, we ate some food and waited for the news back from Minho.


Minho P.O.V

My hands were shaking as I walked into the dance studio. I had kept my promise and bought a studio for Key when we graduated. Of course, I had already bought it but he didn't know that. I had spent the last few weeks before graduation setting it up for him. He'd finally gotten back to a point where he liked to sing and dance again. We'd even been talking about releasing some music together. Key had no clue what I was about to do. I had blocked out all of my thoughts from the ring but I was still scared. I didn't know why. Key was my soulmate. He was obviously going to say yes. I was me though. I was anxious. I kept thinking about everything that could go wrong. I took a deep breath before I opened the door. He laid in the middle of the floor and was trying to catch his breath. This part of him was my favorite but I would never admit that even if he already knew it. He sat up and smiled.

"Hyung, I'm sweaty. Not now." I chuckled.

"As much I would love to get your clothes off, that's not the reason why I'm here." He raised a brow.

"Then why are you here?" He stood up and walked over to me, pressing a kiss to my lips. "Does it have anything to do with why you're so anxious?" I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Kibumie, I love you." He smiled.

"I know that."

"You're my favorite person in the world and I wouldn't be here without you. You give so much joy to my life. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I've been walking around like a zombie for the last few days because I didn't know how to do this but now I am." He shook his head as he began to cry. By then he was sure of what I was doing. I pulled the ring out of my pocket and got down on one knee.

"No. No. No. I haven't down my hair. I'm sweaty. Please not right now." I chuckled.

"Baby, marry me." He fell to the floor and wrapped his arms around my neck. I slid the ring onto his finger and pressed my lips to his for a long time.

"Yes, I'll marry you. You're still mean though." I laughed. We stayed in that position for a while before he took a shower and we headed to see the guys. Taemin opened the door with a smile on his face. He immediately grabbed Key's hand and ran with him. I laughed and walked in. Onew was standing in the kitchen and finishing up the food.

"Hey, dude." He glimpsed at me and smiled.

"Hey. Taemin already took Key away?" I chuckled and nodded.

"Yep. He grabbed his hand and made a run for it."

"I'm not surprised. So, what did he say?" I glimpsed at Key in the living room. He was laughing at something Taemin said. I smiled and nodded.

" He cried and got mad that he didn't look good when I asked." Onew chuckled.

"Sounds like Key." I set the table after that and we sat down to eat. It was the first time in a while that we were able to get together and have fun. Life was okay. Everything was good. All four of us had gone through hell. But it was that hell that brought us together. It was that hell that gave us this love and friendship we all needed.


The Mystic 4 is officially over. Thank you for all of the love and support. I'm so grateful for everything. You guys have been amazing. That's all I really have to say. I love you guys. Information about The Mystic 9 will be out soon. Bye Bye.


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