Phase 3

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The guys sat in the Annex. They hadn't left since Key was attached two days before. Minho had explained to the others how to strip Onew's brother of his powers. Onew wasn't very fond of the idea but liked it more than his brother dying. They were now trying to come up with a plan. It was a little hard because they had no idea where Onew's brother was.

"Taemin, can you force a premonition?" Minho asked. Taemin shrugged.

"I've never tried but I guess it could be possible."

"There is another way. Onew could get into his head." Onew raised a brow at Key's comment.

"There are rules to my powers. He'd have to be asleep for me to do that."

"But I wasn't asleep when you dream walked with me." Taemin said. Onew smiled down at him.

"No. I put you to sleep but if I can't touch the person, I can't put them to sleep. So, really the only option is Taemin having a premonition." Onew replied.

"Well, I guess I can try then." Taemin closed his eyes and pressed a hand to the table. It was a few seconds before he froze and a premonition came to him.


Taemin opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness. He looked around. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realized where he was. He heard a noise and began to hide before he remembered that it was only a vision. Onew's brother appeared in front of him along with a kid he didn't recognize.

"Sir, have you found the mystics yet?" The kid asked. Onew's brother hissed at the kid.

"If I had, then I wouldn't be standing here with your dumb ass." The kid smiled. Taemin found it interesting. He thought it was a premonition but for some reason, he felt like he was witnessing the conversation in the present time. He also found it interesting that the kid didn't flinch at all. It was like he felt no fear around Onew's brother.

"What do you want me to do?" Onew's brother sighed.

"I can't detect them so they have to be in a place where I can't reach them. Something is blocking my powers. I need you to find out what it is and make it disappear. We will not be leaving until they're all eliminated." The kid nodded and took his leave. Taemin was about to go back but he realized something else. He saw a glimmer of something on his finger. It clicked after a few seconds. It was a ring that looked exactly like Onew's. Taemin smiled and went back.


The guys were looking at Taemin in curiosity. He came back and immediately grabbed Onew's hand. Onew raised a brow.

"What is it, baby?" Taemin smiled.

"Your ring. It's a matching set, isn't it?" Onew hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"My brother and I got them right before he died."

"Ah. Then you can put him to sleep."

"How is that?"

"Even if you're not touching him, you're still connected to him. Because of the rings, you should still be able to do it. Also, I don't think my premonition was of the future. I'm pretty sure I witnessed a conversation in the present time. I know where he is."

"Where is he?" Key asked.

"In the basement of our dorm building." Minho stood up and reached out his hand.

"Let go then." Key stood up and grabbed Minho's hand.

"It's better to do it now. It will be easier if we can take him by surprise." Onew and Taemin nodded before grabbing Key and Minho's hands. They appeared in the basement a few seconds later. Onew's brother stood there. He smiled at flicked his wrist. A moment later, everything went dark.


Well that's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone liked it. I'm going to spam with chapters because there are only 3 left. Bye-bye, lovelies.


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