What's going on with Luca

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(Reminder: She is writing in her diary/this what you are reading is what she wrote down. It might not look like a diary but don't mind it.)

Months later after the death of Jack we all started to get used to being one person short. Know the boy's bedroom was not the same. The bunker was not the same. Slowly but surely, I started to be happy and positive again. Thinking about Jack would make me cry. He was always the one making me happy but know Luca started to. WHAT!?!?! I keep thinking to myself. I men from the annoying kid to a gentleman. I guess I don't mind.

But this was not the only time. He started laughing to my jokes and smiling at me. Usually, he makes fun of my jokes. And whenever Luca and Carter were near, they would whisper. But I would not let them just make fun of me or maybe this was some kind of sick joke or prank they were doing on me. So, a few days before Luca and Carters birthday which was in December, I would confront them or mostly Luca. So, during dinner time we had a horrible conversation I will never forget. We were all sitting around the table silent until I spoke. I remember the whole thing!!!!!

"So, Luca and Carter how is the prank going huh?" I said then.

I remember Luca gave me the confused look. He thought I was trying to get him in trouble. He looked at me mad and while eating his food. Carter also looked mad at me signaling that he was confused. But I thought it was all part of the joke.

"Especially you Luca!" I said. 

"What prank?" Luca then asked.

"You know those weird looks and you trying to play with my feeling and laugh afterwords!" I said loudly.

"Luca what is going on?" Ms. K asked.

"I am trying to make her feel better after Jacks death." Luca said.

"So, Jack's death is a joke to you?!?!?!" I yelled or said really loudly.

Then I stood up and stomped away and Luca ran after me. I could hear my mom yelling my name telling me to come back. These few months have been harder than ever. My feelings lose control more often and I get mad and sad so much more often. Something happened to me I, changed. I thought Luca was nice! I bet Auntie would hate me for my bad manners from being mad at the dinner table or running of like that. Maybe even yelling! 

Before Luca could catch up to me, I hid in the girl's room which no boys were allowed in. After I tucked myself under the thickest blanket and cried in my pillow. I wish my life could be normal even thought I never had a normal life I did not know what normal is like. I still remember hearing Luca's voice.

He said something like this.

"It's not a joke and I am not trying to play with your feelings, and this certainly has nothing to do with the death of Jack. Something else has been going on." Luca spoke.

"What is going on then?" I spoke.

"I-I lo-" Luca was interrupted.

"Are you on your period again?" Said Mom

"MOMMMMM!!!!" I yelled.

After that I unlocked the door and just went to sleep. I did not hear from Luca till the next morning. That breakfast Luca looked at me none stop. That morning it was my turn to wash dishes and Luca wanted to help. I didn't want him to help but he was the only person who volunteered. I was still curious what else was going on with him. So, when we were all done, we got the dirty plates and forks and went to the kitchen to clean. I looked at him and saw him blush. And I saw the perfect moment to ask. I asked him what was going on and his face turned into a tomato. 

"What was it, what was the other thing going on with you; you know about yesterday or was it really just a prank" I asked again.

In a split second he took my had and dragged me in the boy's room which was empty and then shoved me into the closet. He also went in.

"What the-" I was interrupted.

He put his hand on my mouth we were both almost touching in the small space. This was the closest I have ever been to him. For at least 5 seconds we were looking into my eyes.

"Luca what is this?" I whispered.

 All he did was giggle and look at me. What was happening! As he laughed something happened! I think I felt something I had never felt before. Love. I don't know why but I think I liked him. My heart started pounding. Does he like me was that it was that what was going on... I big smile grew on my face.

"I-I love you May." Luca said. 

Holly molly my brain said. He leaned in closer. And we 😘🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽😍... (PS. if it was not clear they kissed) It was magical. It felt like forever even though it was only 4 seconds.

"I love you to Luca." I spoke.

"No way, really?!? This whole acting nice thing was not a prank it was because I loved you." Luca explained.

"You better not stop being nice. And maybe we shouldn't tell then just yet. We'll tell them tomorrow or maybe some other time" I spoke.

"Sounds good for me, so are we like a coup-" Luca was interrupted.

"Shh they'll hear us. And yes..." I spoke.

He smiled and for the rest of the day we had to act like everything was normal which was hard because every time I saw him, I had to smile. But sooner or later rumors happened, and they all found out. Everyone loved the idea of another couple except Auntie. And Dad was a little protective but for the rest I was happy. Know Dixi kept saying fun stuff to do when you're a couple and told me all the juicy stuff which I was not interested in I was still only 14! I felt amazing. I loved the new feeling and him. And I have a feeling it is only going to get better. 

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