Cat comes. Cat goes.

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In the bunker life would get boring so 3 years ago (In the past), I made up the infinity group. In the infinity group we talked about books share our ideas and we made jokes. We were kind of like the book worms. The members of the group were Jack, Grandma, April and me sometimes Ms. K or Luca would join but that did not happen often. It was kind of like a safe zone and during the day every morning we would gather our blankets and pillows and build a fort somewhere is a corner. every day was special, but I still remember 1 week before one of my birthdays something happened. 

It was a fun morning and jack mentioned something about a birthday present. My heart lit up.

"Is it a book please tell me it's Petter Pan my dad told me about it sounds so cool; or maybe harry potter -" I was interrupted.

"You know are little farm? Would you like to add another animal there." Jack asked.

"One of your favorite animals are cats?" Grandma asked.

"No kidding! I love kittens! And cats. Why did u ask?" I asked.

"I heard that the last time we went out for supplies they saw cats." Jack said.

I was holding in a scream of joy.

"We actually already have one in the farm or in other words we hid it in the farm." Grandma said.

"You'll have to wait for your birthday, but I don't think it will be a problem if we'll let you see. What do you think Grandma?" Jack asked.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee Grandma!" I spoke. 

"Fine, but you'll only get to see the kitten not hold it you only get to do that until your birthday." Grandma said.

"Thank you! do mom and dad know?" I asked.

Grandma and Jack both looked at each other and told me they will try to convince my dad and mom. After we went to the small farm in a room. As we walked, I kept looking around.

"Where is it?" I asked.

Jack walked around the cow stalls and went behind the chicken coop, as I held Grandma's hand. He gestured for us to come. I ran! 

"Jack...  nothings there?" I spoke.

He smiled and pulled on one of the rusty half-broken wood pieces on the wall to reveal it could open. THERE WAS A SECRET PASSAGEWAY! He put his hand real deep in the whole like he wanted to grab on to something. I looked at grandma and she was stressed. I could tell on her face.

"Where does it lead to?" I asked.

Jack looked worried at Grandma.

"OH, WAIT I HAVE IT." Jack said loudly in a relief.

Jack pulled his hand out to reveal a brown furred kitten with light green eyes and the fluffiest tail. It looked like 10 weeks old or so and its meows were so soft and cute.

"It's a girl Jack said." Jack said.

"Oh my god I will name in Brownie. Can I please hold it!" I spoke.

"Fine." Grandma said.

The classic Brownie names. I took it in my arms and held it like a newborn baby. The day passed fast so did time. I played with Brownie, and I could not stop. I talked to her about my feeling, and I told her jokes. She was a kitten and couldn't understand but it felt so nice like true love... And when it was time to sleep, I snuck out to see her. I started joking to Brownie and Brownie sat listening. She chased my finger, and I gave her a bottle of milk from the cows. Grandma came to look and sometimes we would fall asleep in mid-day. 

We were inseparable.

2 days before my birthday I woke up from my bed and I ran to see Brownie hoping to see her running to see me and meowing for my attention. A smile grew on my face thinking of her. My parents did not know yet, so I had to act casual. Grandma watched with a grin as she was sipping some tea as I fast walked to the farm.

"Brownie!" I said loudly trying to not to let mom and dad hear me.

I looked. She was not there. Maybe she was hiding. I checked at the back of the cow stalls; I looked in the chicken coop and under the piles of hay. She was gone. I started crying while throwing hay away looking for her. I was looking for 40 minutes now, and the farm was not that big. I opened the door and ran to Grandma and Jack unnoticed.

"Why so many tears my love?" Grandma asked.

I looked at Grandma not being able to speak from the panting and stress.

"The FARM!" Jack whispered loudly.

My mom and dad where busy in the kitchen and the rest were still sleeping because it was still 7:00. Grandma and Jack slowly stood up silently and we went to the farm. Every step my heart pounding. Was Brownie really gone?!!?

I checked the rest of the house making an excuse that i was looking for a book even though I was looking for Brownie. After an hour I went back to the small farm in hope Grandma and Jack had any luck.

"Good idea going to the farm." my mom shouted while I was running. "You have been there a lot so it should be there." She spoke.

I saw Jack on his knees and grandma with her hand Infront of her mouth. This was not going to be good.

Jack stood up "Brownie escaped. We left the wood piece open, and she went exploring and I think she got lost because that small tunnel is actually a pipe we think, and it leads the outside world" She spoke slowly. 

My heart stopped I dropped to the floor and SCREAMMED MY LUNGS OUT WHILE TEARS WERE RUNNING OUT OF MY EYE'S. One of my only ever friends. GONE. Probably dead. I had a panic attack as grandma held my hand. I cried for an hour not talking to anyone. My parents wanted to know why but they will never know. I did not smile for a week, and I would. cry myself to sleep! I felt so guilty like there where black shadows choking me even though there weren't. I became sick from not eating a lot or something like that. I had my only ever real friend gone and it was my fault. I will never forgive myself...

(This story was in past)

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