• Part Six •

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Still Y/n pov

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Still Y/n pov.

No no nooooo. Darn it Y/n!

I cursed at myself for breaking the statue. I am so dead today.

Then the maids came to me, because they heard the shattering of the statue.

"Y/n? What happened?" Asked my maid with concern.

The other women turned around and went to grab a broom and stuff to clean up.

"I uhm, I was speed-walking down the hall and I tripped over my dress!" I lied.

"Oh, poor girly. Are you hurt?" She asked as she inspected my arms for any cuts or scratches.

"No. I'm alright. I'm more worried about the broken statue.. Can it be repaired?"

"Well, probably but it's in too many small pieces. And it's better to just get a new one made. It wasn't a very important piece anyway." She said reassuringly.

"Oh, well that's good at least." I itched my neck then continued, "well, I guess I shall go eat some breakfast." I then started walking away.

"Okay, dear."..

..I walked to the kitchen and sighed in relief.

I wonder what they were talking about? Tell who what? Who's mother?

I grabbed a shiny red apple and continued thinking of what they could have been talking about...

Right when I was about to take a bite of my apple suddenly I heard a sound behind me so I turned around and saw my father standing in the doorway.

"Y/n. I need to talk with you about something very important." He said in his same cold way.

I sighed, "what?"

"Show some respect, young lady!" He snapped. "Remember our last talk?"

"Yes sir.."

"Well, is there anything between you and Sunghoon?" He asked without making eye contact.

His sudden question concerns me.

"Sunghoon is my best friend. Since we were little kids. You know that father." I replied with a sigh.

"I suggest you start finding feelings. Because this kingdom will need a king, and I don't have any son."

"Father, can't you just make Sunghoon the king and leave me out of it?! I don't want royalty and I don't want to be with a guy I don't love in that kind of way!" I argued.

My blood started to boil. I absolutely hate this conversation.

"That isn't how it works! Kang Y/n, things don't work that way." He exclaimed.

I threw my apple on the floor and let my anger get the best of me, "I don't like him in that way! And I don't want royalty! I want a father who cared about me! And to be able to explore in the beautiful forest, like the grown woman that I am!" I cried.

"Don't raise your voice at me! You have no right to talk back to me! I am your father and the king."

He is right... But I can't take this anymore.

"Fine." I kicked the apple and ran out the kitchen.

I run through the halls and up the stairs into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.
I covered my ears and screamed my lungs out, used every curse word that came to my head, and cried all my tears out.

Dramatic? Sure. But I don't care.

After my dramatic moments, that lasted hours, and it was now night time.. I violently grabbed my bag and went back out the door and through the halls towards the exit of the castle.

I sneaked out of the castle without getting seen, and once I was out of sight, I ran towards the forest. The forest is healing to me.

I walked over the bridge that went over a small stream of shimmering water. Then I went off the path and towards the forest, through the tall grass and wild flowers.

Then once arrived, I saw down with my back against my favorite maple tree.

I looked at a lovely flower, and I picked it and inspected every detail of it.

Third person pov.

Yeonjun was walking around the forest and he decided to chase a bunny just for fun because he was bored. He wasn't going to eat the rabbit or anything, he just wanted to play.

After some time of chasing, Yeonjun started to realize that the bunny must be terrified and not having any fun, so he stopped and left the rabbit alone.

Then he decided he would just explore, so he walked some and then he spotted a woman in a rose gold dress.

He looked closely and realized it was Y/n.

Yay! Company!

He ran over to meet her by the maple tree.

Once she noticed him, she smiled. "Love, I am sorry I did not bring any food this time.."

Yeonjun didn't mind. He is a social butterfly after all, and he enjoys the company. He's been alone for years.

Y/n sighed and looked off into the distance, "It must be so nice being a fox. You get to be free and do whatever you like. Nobody to boss you around and tell you what to do."

Yeonjun didn't like what she was saying. She had no idea how hard it was being a fox, it was very challenging and almost impossible for him. He would gladly switch places with her if he could.

Then Y/n looked back at the fox and she put the flower she held in his fur above his ears.

Then her eyes got glossy all of a sudden..

"Oh love!" Suddenly her emotions got the best of her and she picked the fox up and pulled him to her chest and started crying in his soft fur.

Her sudden actions made Yeonjun shocked. He tried wiggling out but she kept holding him so he let her. He wanted to make her cheer up.

 He wanted to make her cheer up

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The Princess And The Fox || Choi Yeonjun FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now