• Part Thirty Three •

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Yeonjun stood in front of Y/n in a defensive stance, shielding her with his body

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Yeonjun stood in front of Y/n in a defensive stance, shielding her with his body.

Both Yeonjun and Y/n were shocked to see she was alive and well. Not a clue on her that Yeonjun stabbed her shoulder with a large dagger.

The witch smirked. "Shocked that I'm alive, huh?"

The two remained silent. Glaring at the witch.

"Won't speak?"

Suddenly a vision flashed through Yeonjun's mind. Visions of the witch killing Y/n and him. He's always had strange visions or dreams of the future... Was that happening again??

"Stay away from us!" Yeonjun cried out to her, still defensively blocking Y/n.

The witch laughed. "I only want one thing."


"Well, you can never have it so leave!" Yeonjun shouted back.

"Hah! You pathetic fox, the one who would never hurt even a fly. One so innocent and fragile. Not even wanting revenge on the ones who slaughtered his innocent family."

"Revenge doesn't bring family back when they're already gone.. And it wouldn't cure my soul... And for your information, I would harm anyone if they dared come near the one I love!"

She's still here and I cannot let anyone take her away.

Yeonjun's protective instincts kicked in. Ready to do anything in his ability to keep Y/n from the vision he just saw.

Y/n's heart fluttered at the 'one I love' part. But the thought quickly faded away as she focused on the situation.

The witch chuckled. "Adorable. Truly adorable. I'm really not scared of a little fluffy fox. And you have no weapons. So go on, and say your final words to each other."

The two remained silent. They weren't going to surrender that easily.

"Nothing? If that's what you wish, then die now." She put her arms up and used her magic to hold the two in place.

A green, see-through bubble surrounding them. Slowly getting smaller.

Y/n banged her fists on the bubble. It was hard and unbreakable.

Yeonjun tried thinking of what to do, but nothing came to mind. Soon, they would be crushed if they didn't do anything.

"Yeonjun!" Y/n cried. "What do we do?"

Yeonjun placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Just stay calm." He replied. His voice calm and comforting.

"You have powers to see the future, you know." Said the witch from outside the bubble. "I love using it to my advantage with my magic. Did you hang innocent Sunghoon?"

Yeonjun remembered his vision of Sunghoon killing the king.

It was fake.. She can give me those visions?

Anger ran through Y/n at the witch's words.

Yeonjun was silent. He wasn't sure what visions were real and which were fake. The one he got before saving Y/n's life at the witch's house was real. But this one he's getting now.. He wasn't sure.

The bubble was shrinking, forcing Y/n and Yeonjun to get on their knees.

Yeonjun looked down and saw the bundle of wild flowers he picked for Y/n, lying down on the ground next to them. He picked them up, and took Y/n's shaking hands, wrapping her fingers around the flowers once more, and holding her hands tightly in his as she held the flowers.

As the bubble continued to shrink, Yeonjun and Y/n huddled up more.

Yeonjun moved his right hand up, and tucked a strand of hair behind Y/n's ear. She looked into his eyes. Her's were displaying her fear, but Yeonjun's were calm. At least, thats how he appeared on the outside to calm Y/n..

As the bubble shrank, they knew the closer they were to... Their end..

"Still no last words?" The witch broke the silence.

The two continued looking into each other's eyes.

"Y/n.. A soulmate is a soulmate.. Not even death can separate me from you.. If I can't have you in this life, then.. Maybe I can in the next." Yeonjun was hunching forward now as the bubble was much smaller.

Y/n didn't have any words. She only hunched forward as well. A single tear streamed down her cheek.

Yeonjun placed his hand on her cheek, and wiped the tear away. Their faces only inches apart.

The witch was laughing as she watched.

The bubble was so small now, they couldn't lay flat or sit up straight. Yeonjun pulled Y/n close to him, her head resting on his chest as he stroked her hair.

Yeonjun closed his eyes, feeling the bubble touch his hair. He couldn't adjust his body anymore to avoid it. He held Y/n tightly. She could feel his heartbeat. More tears ran down her cheeks, wetting Yeonjun's shirt.

Time seemed to stop. Yeonjun didn't feel the bubble shrinking.

Why has it slowed down?

He opened his eyes and saw the green bubble was gone.

He quickly looked at the witch, and saw her standing with a sword in her chest, coming from behind. Then it pulled out and the witch fell dead. And Prince Sunghoon stood there holding the bloody sword......

He looked at Y/n and Yeonjun. Yeonjun holding her protectively. The two didn't move an inch. And Y/n's eyes were still shut, unaware that the bubble was gone.

Yeonjun shook her shoulders. "Y/n! She's gone.. The witch is dead.."

Y/n slowly sat up straight and looking into Yeonjun's eyes. Her hair messy and her eyes tear stained.

She turned her head and saw Sunghoon holster his sword.

She was still frozen from shock. Yeonjun smiled and took a deep breath. He brushed the hair out of her face as she looked at Sunghoon in shock.

Sunghoon walked towards them, got on his knees and looked at Yeonjun.

"Imagine if I didn't come to spy on you." He said joking yet serious.

Y/n smiled, her eyes beaming with tears as she looked into Sunghoon's eyes. Yeonjun was thankful, even though Sunghoon's intentions were to spy.

Sunghoon's eyes switched to Y/n.

"Are you hurt?"

Y/n shook her head. She was still processing this near death experience.

"Let's get you two home..." Sunghoon said as he and Yeonjun helped Y/n stand by holding each one of her hands.

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The Princess And The Fox || Choi Yeonjun FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now