• Part Twenty Four •

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Sunghoon pov

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Sunghoon pov.

A day after my talk with Y/n, my leg has gotten much better but it wasn't completely healed yet.

I sat on my bed the late night. I just could not sleep.

Leaning against the wall on the far side of my room was my sword, glimmering from the light of the moon coming from the window.

While being mesmerized by it's glimmering, my previous thoughts of assassinating the king came back to my mind.

Without much thought, I stood up, being gentle on my still injured leg, and walked over to the far side of the room to grab my sword.

I put on my leather belt with a sheath for my sword.

It was night already. And everyone was probably fast asleep by now. Including the king.

I sheathed my sword and headed out...

Once I arrived at the outside of the king's bedroom, I halted.

It isn't a great idea... What good would it do?

I shook my head at my thought.

It would do both good and bad..

Killing the king would end a lot of suffering and misery. But what about Y/n? How would she react?

And the rest of the villagers, knights, maids and such.

Even I might hate myself after such actions.

If I were to kill him, wouldn't it be better to do it with a fight? Instead of in his sleep.

How could I allow such thoughts and feelings make me do such evil things??

Angry with myself, I turned around to head back to my bedroom, but I was stopping by a voice,


I turned around swiftly, but saw no one.

Afraid, I turned around and started walking again.

'Sunghoon Park.'

I halted yet again, and took a deep breath before turning to face the king's door again.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

'Shh, be quiet, young one.'

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