Chapter 4

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"Y/N!! Why are you taking so long? Breakfast is ready!" 

Your eyes shoot open. Oh shit.

You look at the time and immediately yeet yourself off of your bed. It's 7:36 AM already and your school starts at 8. Moreover, it's a ten minute walk to reach school from your house. 

You start panicking and head to the bathroom to wash your face. As you brush your teeth, you pack your bag and get dressed. You don't get a good look at the mirror but you hope that your hair is not too messy.

You didn't expect to be up so late last night. Once you finished unpacking Ji-ho begged you to play League of Legends with him. By the time you finally went to sleep, it must've been around 2 in the morning.

You grab your bag and take whatever book you can find before heading downstairs.

"What took you so long?" your mom asks while she places a couple of pancakes on your plate. 

"I overslept", you reply as you start munching on your breakfast.

"Late on your first day of school huh?" Ji-ho says, lifting an eyebrow. He's sitting on the couch, eating his pancakes peacefully. Ji-ho doesn't start school till a couple of days.

You roll your eyes, annoyed at your brother. "It's your fault for keeping me up Ji-ho".

You look at the clock. It's 7:48 AM .You need to start walking now if you have any hope in reaching school on time. So you grab a pancake in one hand and  kiss your mom on the cheek before hurrying out the door.

"Love you mom!" you yell as you wear your shoes.

"Love you too and have a good day dear!"

You eat your pancake while you break out on a jog. In your hurry, you forgot to wear your jacket so you feel pretty cold. 

Day's not off to a good start.

 Finally you reach your school. Thankfully, you're right on time. 

You see a handful of students heading toward their classes, probably late like you.

You find your way to the office which is not that hard to find since it's literally right in front of the school. You spot a woman sitting there and you give her your name.

"Are you the new transfer student from Seoul?" she asks.

"Yep that would be me," you say. She hands you a slip. 

"Your class is on the second floor. It's the third classroom on the left. Mr. Park must've started the class already. Once you reach there, give him this slip." You nod your head and thank her. 

 "We don't appreciate late-comers," she says before you could leave.

You wince and mutter an apology before heading upstairs, to your class.

It isn't until you're in the hallway that you realize you're nervous. You can literally hear your heart pumping through your ears. It might've been because you ran but a part of you knows that the real reason is because you're afraid you might not fit in. 

As you cross the other classrooms, you hear the chatter of students from different grades. Only if your class was the same, because as soon as you enter it's all silence except for the voice of the teacher.

"Excuse me Mr. Park?" you ask. All eyes turn to you. 


If there's one thing you hate, it is being the center of attention. Unfortunately you can't avoid that, not today. 

Mr. Park nods for you to come in and you walk, consciously, feeling everybody's stare on you. God it made your toes curl.

You give him the slip and wait awkwardly as he looks over it. 

"Everyone, we have a new transfer student from Seoul. Let's all give her a warm welcome shall we? Will you please introduce yourself?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. 

"Umm annyeonghaseyo," you say bowing low. "My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you all."

 It must've been very awkward but thankfully you hear your classmates greeting you back. 

"I'm Mr. Park and I teach literature. You may occupy that empty seat", Mr. Park says, pointing to the third row.

You thank him and go to your seat. Mr. Park continues teaching as you open your bag and search for your literature book. You check all the pockets but you don't find it anywhere. 

You smack your forehead. You must've forgotten to take your book in all your hurry to reach the school on time.

You turn to your desk mate. "Hey, can you share your boo—"

Wait a minute. Isn't he...?

"Well well well, if it isn't Shortie from the convenience store."

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