Chapter 5

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Great, just great. 

Right when you think this day couldn't get possibly worse, this guy marks his attendance.

"Stop calling me Shortie you jerk," you say glaring at him. 

He smirks. "So you're the new student that everyone's been talking about. I have to say, I'm disappointed."

That catches your attention. "Wait, how does everyone know I was coming?"

"News spreads like wildfire in this school. A new girl in the middle of school year is a first. Right now, you're trending news."

You look around and catch a few people staring at you. You immediately avert their eyes, concentrating on the board.

You can't let anyone know your secret, no matter what happens. You really don't want to change schools again so you find yourself thinking about what you can do to protect yourself from the rumors.

"Earth to Shortie, are you in there?" the boy asks, flicking your forehead. 

"Ow, stop it," you hiss at him. Mr. Park chose that exact moment to call your name.

"Y/n, could you share your interpretation of the poem?"

"Uhh," you scramble your brain for an answer. You have no idea what poem he's talking about.

You hear your desk mate snickering next to you. Annoyed, you stamp on his feet as hard as you can. You see him covering his mouth in pain through the corner of your eyes. You feel pleased at yourself.

"Y/n?" Mr. Park raises an eyebrow, expecting an answer from you.

Shit, what do I say?

Suddenly, you hear a girl speaking. "Can I answer sir?"

You turn to see a girl on your right, with her hand raised. She stands up and answers Mr. Park.

"Well explained Yoora, and Y/n, since it's your first day you're excused. I expect you to pay full attention when class is going on."

You nod your head. Thank god that girl saved you. It's the only good thing that's happened today.

You sit back down. What you didn't expect was the sudden cold, wet feeling under your skirt when you sat. 

You notice your desk mate beside you, drinking water nonchalantly with a smirk plastered on his face. One look at your skirt and you realize that he had poured water on your seat while you were busy trying to answer Mr. Park.

Oh God how badly you wanted to wipe that smirk off of his stupid face. You promise yourself that you will get your revenge.

For the rest of the class, you try your best to ignore his existence and concentrate. Once the bell rings and the teacher leaves, you turn to your desk mate.

"You are so full of sh—"

"Sorry Shortie but I've got more important things to do," he says and stands up, wearing his jersey. 

You blow out a breath slowly, controlling your anger.

"Stop calling me Shortie or I'm gonna start calling you names."

He rolls his eyes. "Go ahead, I don't really care."

"Alright coconut, I'll see you around, hopefully not", you say and stand up to go find the bathroom. You hear him protesting as you go which brings a smile to your face.


You finally find your way to an empty stall. The water on the skirt has mostly dried anyway so it doesn't bother you anymore.

You come out and wash your hands. A girl hands you a tissue.

"Hi I'm Yoora," the girl says extending her hand. "We're in the same class".

"You're the one who saved my ass," you shake hands with her, "I owe you big time."

"Don't mention it. It's unfortunate that you're seated next to Jungkook," she says sighing.

"So that's his name, I think I'm gonna stick with Coconut."

Yoora grins. "Don't tell anyone I said this but he has the emotional range of teaspoon," she whispers. 

You chuckle. "I like you."

You both head back to class, chatting about classes and other random stuff. 

When you enter the class, you notice that your seat next to Jungkook is occupied by two boys you haven't met yet. 

Damn it! Why are the boys here so good looking?!

"That's Eunwoo and Bangchan," Yoora informs, following your gaze. "And the one who sits in front of you is Mingyu. They're Jungkook's best friends."

"Great, more jerks," you say rolling your eyes.

"Trust me they're not as bad as him. Eunwoo and Bangchan are pretty sweet, as for Mingyu well..."

"What about him?" you ask curious.

"He's nice too, he's just known for being a flirt."

"Oh," is all you come up with.

"Let me know if you need notes or help with anything. I'm also the class monitor", Yoora says, changing the topic. You nod your head. 

When the next period teacher enters the room, you both head back to your seat. Eunwoo and Bangchan get back to their seat too. 

Jungkook is in his place, reading something. 

You roll your eyes. Just then, Mingyu turns back to face you.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Mingyu. I can help you with the classes if you find anything difficult."

You open your mouth to answer but Jungkook beats you.

"Oh shut up Mingyu, she doesn't need your help. You barely know anything yourself," Jungkook scoffs.

"Yah Jungkook, I'm just trying to be nice", Mingyu says glaring at Jungkook before smiling at you.

This is gonna be one heck of a long day...

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