Chapter Three

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Logan's pov
I sigh when the last bell for class rings . Finally, it's been a long day.

"Hey you guys are still coming over, right, " We always hang out after school. And today they are supposed to come to my house.

" Of course, I'm looking forward to what Anna has in store for us. On that note we should hurry. Little Eddie might eat it all. " he grabbs our hands pulling us to the exit. Anna is our cook. That women can cook. I don't think I've ever tasted food as good as hers.

Eddie is my little brother. He's thirteen and eats a lot. Now you see Ian's worry.

Ian suddenly stops causing Clara and I to bump into him.

"Dude, " I complain rubbing my head. I looked to where he was staring. A black limo was parked in the middle of the parking lot. Students were standing looking at it. Two men in suits stood beside it scanning the crowd . I wonder who they're looking for.

One of their gazes lands on me and I tense . "Come on guys let's go," I try pulling them back into the school so we could use the back entrance but they weren't budging. "Not yet. I want to see who they're looking for," Clara says shaking my grip. Well they'll be waiting for long. I'm out of here.

I turn to run only to bump into a solid wall. I fell down on my ass. Ow, that hurt. I scrunch my face in pain and look up ready to give the asshole a piece of my mind. I freeze when I look up. It's him. How did he get behind me. And what the fuck is he doing here. Ian helps me up and leaves his arm around my waist for support. Since I'm still a little disoriented.

Rollan's gaze moved to the arm around my waist and grinned. "Does your boyfriend know that you are engaged to be married in a month?" does he really have to bring that up.

"He's not-"

"Wow wow wow, that's not important. What's important is... you're engaged? " I rubbed my neck nervously as both my friends gazes turned to me. " Kind of. " Ian pulls away to look at me. " It's a yes or no question. Either you are or you aren't. " I shuffled on my feet. " Yes. I'm engaged to him, " I point to the culprit. Silence follows and I look up to see their mouths hanging open, literally. I moved forward and closed them.

"You are engaged to Rollan Clarke!" Clara exclaims.

"You didn't think to tell your friends. I'm hurt," Ian puts his hand over his chest in mock pain.

"Let's go. I have things to do," Rollan says grabbing my hand. I grab Ian's pulling him along. We made our way through the crowd. Students had there phones out and I could hear the sound of pictures being taken.

When we reach the limo he pulls me aside and allows Clara and Ian to get in first. I look up in question when his lips cover mine.

... Shit...

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