Chapter Twenty Three

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Rollan's pov

I push Logan against the wall immediately we enter the hotel room. That scare I got made me so horny. I want to be as close to him as possible. I don't want to lose him. Ever. Especially to that bitch.

"Mmm, Rollan..." he moans kissing me back just as passionately. I felt a shiver run up my spine, just like every time I kiss him. Causing me to groan.

I felt his hands unbutton my shirt. The suit jackets were long gone. I returned the favor as soon as my shirt hit the floor. He grinds on me, moaning louder. I break the kiss but immediately dive for his neck and he archs his back his hands on my shoulders pulling me closer.

I lift him up and move to the bed. Taking off our trousers before lying on him again. I kiss a trail from his neck to his chest.

"Oh fuck! Rollan," he screamed when I latch on his nipple. I alternate sucking and biting the two nipples. He's a moaning mess beneath me. I trail downwards licking just above the waistline of his boxers.

He tastes so good.

I rip the boxers off and smile as he gasps. He's hard and leaking. I lick a drop of precum from his tip causing him to buck his hips eliciting a loud moan. I stare into his brown eyes as I take his tip into my mouth. His mouth opens into a silent moan but he doesn't break the stare. I smile and move my lips to the hilt, taking him whole.

" Rollan!" he screamed his eyes closing. His head rolled back as he arches his back pushing himself deeper. I moan around his shaft and his hands move to hold my head in place. I few more sucks and licks and he's having an orgasm.

I climb back up, kissing him. I know he's not yet ready to go all the way, so that was enough for me. Don't get me wrong I really want him. I feel like I'm about to explode. I don't think I've ever gone this long without sex. It's been a whole Fucking month.

"Do it. I'm ready. Do it," he said as if reading my mind.

"Are you sure?"

He nods his head with a smile. I run to my small bag retrieving what we needed. Within seconds I'm back on top of him kissing him passionately.

Opening the small bottle of lube I spread some on his asshole as I finger him. He slowly tenses but relaxes.

I put on the condom and rub some lube on my shaft to make sure that I don't hurt him. I position myself and look into his brown eyes as I entered him. He gasps in pain after the head goes in.

"Shh, it's all going to be alright, just relax."

"Geez it hurts." he holds on tightly to my shoulders as I continue moving inside. Fuck! He feels so good. I grunted as he moans in pleasure. I take hold of him and move my hand up and down. Since he's distracted I plunge in the rest of the way. His back flew up the bed in a scream.
"Fucking shit!"

"I'm sorry,"I whisper apologizing. He just feels so good I couldn't help myself. When I'm sure he's okay I start moving. In... Out... In... Out.

"Oh, oh, uh Mmm... Faster, go faster," he moans. I was happy to oblige. I piston my hips faster. I could feel him getting closer but so was he. I dip my head to his neck biting down at his collarbone. He reaches his orgasm screaming my name. I'm right behind him in release. I slump to the side so as to not crash him.

"That felt so good! I love you Rollan," he says sleepily.

"Love you too, Logan." I whisper back before drifting to sleep.

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