Chapter Nine

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Logan's pov

"The guy is miserable. Why have you been avoiding him?"Eddie asked. We were watching TV with Clara and Ian.

"No I haven't. And he's not miserable."

"Have you looked at him lately. Dude you push him away every time he tries having a simple conversation with you."

I frown. "That's not true." They all shot me looks that said that it was true. I cringe. That isn't my intention. I just don't know what to talk about. Okay, that's a lame excuse. I don't know how to act around him.

Just then he walked in with Mason. Maybe I should try talking to him. I can't make the guy hate me. We're going to be married for ten years for gods sake.

I stand up to meet him before he could sit. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"yeah, sure."

I walk to the kitchen with him close behind. I stop and turn to him when I'm sure we are out of hearing range.

"I'm sorry if you thought I was avoiding you. I just don't know how to act around you with being engaged and stuff," I said looking down at my shoes nervously.

After a few seconds of silence, I look up to see a large grin on his face. "What are you grinning about?" I asked confused.

"I thought you hated me."

"Why would I do that."

"Cause you are being forced into marrying me."

"It's neither of our fault. And we have no choice." he nods in agreement.

"So we good?"

"yeah. So.... should we finish this with a kiss?" he asked and I groan at his smirk. "What? You caused me a lot of pain this week . A kiss will suffice as your apology." he pouted and I look at him in annoyance. I was not going to fall for anything he says. He just wants a free kiss. And he's getting nothing.

"Okay. What about a kiss on my cheek?"

I studied his face for a while. He better not try anything. How could I even trust him to not do something.

"Okay, but no funny business."

I move close to him. He is at an inch or two taller than me. Why is he so freaking tall. I place my hand on his chest. I have to do this fast. I move on my tip toes so I could reach his cheek.

Before I could contemplate what was happening. Rollan's lips were on mine. They were just as soft as I remember. He moved them along mine gently tugging on my bottom lip. I gasp when I feel a hand on my ass. This gave him an opening to plunge his tongue in his mouth. I felt my hands moving from his chest to around his neck. What's happening to me. My mind is screaming for me to stop but my body was urging me to get closer. What's happening to me. I moan at the taste of mint and coffee. God he tasted so good. He groans pulling me closer causing me to release another moan.

"Hey guys-" I pull back hurriedly as someone entered the kitchen but it was too late. I could feel my face turn red from being caught and Rollan's smirk wasn't helping one bit.

I should have pushed him away way sooner.

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