Chapter Eight

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Rollan's pov

It's been a week since I picked Logan from school. We haven't left the house the whole time. The paparazzi have been camping out of the estate. Logan hasn't been able to go to school.

I sigh looking out my bedroom window. I've never stayed indoors for so long.

"If you sigh one more time I'm going to throw you out of that window," Mason said from my bed. At least he could leave. But George thought it better we all stay put. Even Clara and Ian.

Logan has been avoiding me lately. After taking his ring last week he just up and went to his room. When I get into a room, he leaves and when I try making conversation he just gives me clipped answers. It's extremely annoying. That is part reason why it's killing me staying here. I'm staying at his house to know him better but with how he's acting. I don't know shit about him. The little things I know is from others or when he slips when he doesn't know I'm in the room.

"Mason, you remember how excited about the engagement? I don't feel so excited anymore." I said sitting next to him. "I mean I know he's straight and he doesn't want me, but why does he hate me. His parents signed the damn contract, yet they get hugs and kisses."

"So you want hugs and kisses?"

"Not exactly, but just having a conversation with him will be okay."

"just give him time. He'll come around."

"yeah, or not. I just... I can't do this anymore. He can't talk to me now. What will happen when we get married."

"you'll figure it out."

"ten. It's ten years Mason. I know I don't look like those guys who want to settle down but. Spending all those years with someone who can't stand me. Maybe I should try asking granddad to null the contract. I'm sure he doesn't want me to spend most of my life being miserable."

But I new there was no way out. I was stuck. Mason said nothing because he also knew it.

I'll be stuck in a marriage where my husband can't stand me.

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