Chapter Nineteen

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Rollan's pov

Logan was not here yet. I had been so worried that I'll be late that I came in early. Am I really ready. What if he decides he doesn't want to come. Or he already ran away. Gosh, now I have a headache.

"Stop stressing yourself. He'll come. Trust me," Mason said beside me.

We were having the wedding at our backyard. Everything had been set up and most of the guests were already here.

"How do you feel son," grandpa asked. Where did he come from.

"Like I want to throw up."

He chuckled, "don't worry, it's normal to be nervous."

I just sigh. Yeah normal. That doesn't mean I should like it. I hate it. How do people do this. No wonder some people don't even show up at their own weddings. He patted my back with a smile before walking off. Mason and I were standing at the front waiting for the arrival of the 'bride'. If he hears me call him that, he'll kill me. I'm too young to die.

Silence fills the yard and I look up to see him coming in. I gasp at how sexy he looked. I've only seen him twice in a suit and I have to say. He looks goooood. I could feel my heart beating louder as he moved closer and our gazes locked. I could see the blush running from his face to his neck and I smirk. How cute.

His father hands him over when they reach me. I was slightly shocked since I hadn't noticed him before. Gosh I got it bad. I just smile as we turn to the priest. I wasn't even concentrating on what he was saying. My eyes were glued on Logan. I could see him watching from the side of his eyes thinking I didn't know.

"... you can say your vows."I was brought out of my thoughts when the priest said these words and motioned for me to start.

"I know we haven't known each other long but I love you. From the moment I was shown your picture by my grandfather I was hooked. You looked so sexy with that spiky hair and brown eyes. When I finally met you I started falling. Your sassy attitude and how you like to eat and how kind you are. I'm the happiest man alive that I get to marry you. I love you," I said meaning everything. He was grinning at me now. I could see the glint in his brown eyes as he said his vows.

"You are cocky, conceited, narcissistic. The first time we met I wanted to plow you since you kissed me and I wasn't gay. But after we spent some time together and we started getting along I saw a different side of you. A side not many know. Then you kissed me again and I loved it and I could feel myself falling. I still questioned myself but we have no control over what our hearts desire. I love you Rollan."

After this we each exchange rings. My grandpa had picked them but he'd shown them to me. Mine had the writing 'Always yours. Logan' while Logan's was 'Forever yours. Rollan'.

"You may now kiss the groom."

I grin as I lean in for a kiss. I could already see Logan turning red. I smash our lips together in a kiss. Dear God. Who'd have thought. Rollan Clarke, married.

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