Chapter Fifteen

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Rollan's pov

The engagement party went really well. After the embarrassing episode in front of everyone - especially for Logan. My grandfather made a speech to thank everyone who came and announced our wedding date. It was new to even us. We are in the dark just like everyone else. I don't like it.

Logan is living with us till the day of the wedding. Of course in his own room. It's great having him over. It's like we're really dating. I'm glad he's the one to be my husband. I think I'm developing feelings for him, but I'm afraid it may be one sided. Even though he kisses me back when I kiss him, I'm afraid he's just doing all these for the contract and to please the adults. I frown at the hurt in my chest. I know he'll divorce me, but I'm not sure I want him to. I don't mind having him as my husband.
I heard someone walking down the stairs. I look up to see him in only speedos and a towel around around his neck. I gulp feeling my friend stir. God he's so sexy! My gaze moves down his pale body. I could almost feel myself drool. And how the speedos hugged his package. My my my!

"... an, Rollan," my gaze moves back to his when he calls my name. I bite my lip to keep from moaning. "I'm going swimming, wanna come?"

"Oh yes! With you dressed like that, we should just go back upstairs and make it count."

He rolled his eyes at me and walked out through the back door. I follow behind hurriedly. There was no way I was missing a free show of him swimming.

"Aren't you going to change into your swimming trunks?"

"I swim in the nude," I could see him blush from where I stand. I smirk removing my shirt. When I went to remove my jeans he looked away turning even more red. He jumped into the water. Since I had gone commando I was following after.

I remember something he told me. "Did you finish the exams already?"

"Yeah, they were a bit tough but I know I will do okay."

Since he wasn't able to to return to school he continued his studies through the Internet in the school website. Even the exams. He's finally going to graduate.

"So when's the ceremony?"

"Friday," he grinned. He was excited. He will be be able to attend the ceremony

"And then you'll be my husband on Saturday," I grin. He ducks his head to hide his blush. When I move to hold him he ducks under water. I pout when I grab thin air. I hear him chuckle behind me. I pretend to slip and fall under. I hold my breath looking at the surface to see if he'll come down. Everything is blurry under water, even when I tried squinting.

I felt someone grab me just as I close my eyes. I take a deep breath when when we brake the surface. He looked at me worriedly when I open my eyes. I just smile and attach my lips to his. I hold his face as I deepen the kiss. "mmm," he moans and presses himself close to mine. I was so hard I think I would bust. I rub myself on him. I could feel his hard on on mine. I pulled him closer. He wrapped his hands around my neck as my arms around his waist tighten. I could feel myself myself getting closer. I break the kiss and move to his neck. I press him against the wall of the wall of the pool and continue our humping session. He's moaning louder writhing under me. I could tell he was close and I know just the thing to bring him over over the edge.I bit the spot right between his neck and shoulder. "Rollan!" he screamed as he came. Seeing the way his face contorted as he came pushed me over the edge. Oh God, I don't think I've ever had an orgasm feel so good.

After calming down I carry him out of the water and into the house where he drifted to sleep almost immediately. I guess I exhausted him. I smile as I take him to his room.

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