Falling in love again

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Since you had arrived at pandora life had been very different from your life on earth, you had always wish to come to pandora now you were given a chance. Life on earth hadn't been good for you that much you had lost your family and we're alone in the world as well, your love life had also been horrible as well making you closed off from live for a while. Knowing your chances of returning to earth might be low you still took the chance and got on that ship one day and took off to pandora leaving your old home planet forever.

Jake " hey y/n good morning"

Y/n " good morning Jake how are you doing this morning"

Jake " good hey I was about to head out with neytiri she wishes to know if you want to come with us"

Y/n " oh are you are I don't wish to be a third wheel or a bothersome to you both"

Jake " no it fine and she wishes for you to come with us anyways and I don't think she will be thanking no as answer"

Y/n " Jake there are ..." soon there was a knock at the laboratory door getting you and jake attention, you soon turned around and saw neytiro waving through the window.

Jake " we will be out there shortly we'll she here and I don't think she taking no right now" you soon sighed knowing there was no way of getting out of a matter like this, you soon walked towards the link and got inside as everything was set up.

Minutes later

Y/n " hello neytiri"

Neytiri " y/n hello did Jake convince you to come join us today"

Jake " I was talking her into it when you arrive and I think I won but maybe we should asks her again"

Neytiri " y/n will you love to come join us today and it will be fun give you some time off as well"

Y/n " okay I will come along"

Neytiri " cool" Jake and neytiri soon had walked with you deeper into the forest you are having a good time, maybe they were right about you getting out a bit more to see pandora.

Neytiri " here this flower will be perfect for you hair" neytiri had soon placed a flower in your hair that fit perfectly into your hair, as you soon smiled at him.

Y/n " how do I look"

Neytiri and Jake " beautiful"

Y/n " thank you" the trio were all bright red blushing at the moment but were soon able to shake it off, and going back ok their exploring of the forest.

Y/n " it a very sunny day I love it"

Jake " see it better then being stuck on the lab today when you will be missing all this sun and fun" you soon laugh at jake along with neytiri.

Neytiri " I had never thought sky people will never learn our ways after grace but you two have proven me wrong"

Jake " I'm happy we have been able to prove you wrong after all neytiri"

Y/n " yes thank you for giving us a chance neytiri I have had a wonderful time learning from you"

Neytiri " I have been a joy to teach you both" neytiri words always made you feel happy and love as well. Overtime with neytiri and Jake you had grown deeper feeling for them but there had been time a time on earth, when you gave love a chance and it didn't end well for you. As you had your heartbroken and soon left behind by the ones you had fallen in love with as much you want to love and give love, there was the fear of being hurt once again and you didn't wish for that to happen again.

Neytiri " y/n I have had this conversation with jake already, but now you are one of the people you can chose a mate"

Y/n " a mate"

Neytiri " yes everyone has the rights to choice a mate if they wish, but it seems like the great might of chosen for you"

Y/n " ......."

Jake " she means that eywa has decided us three are meant to be mates" you soon backed away from the duo and looked at them.

Y/n " Jake you knew the last time I love someone and I got my heart broken, I door wish for that anymore I don't want to be hurt again... love if painful"

Neytiri " ma y/n I know if what happened back at your old home, and I will understand if you wish to not be with me but I love and care for you ... so I was hoping you will give me and chance"

Jake " give me a chance as well and we can show you, that this time of love can be good and beautiful and there will be no more pain"

Y/n " ........"

Jake " we will make sure not to hurt you like these in the past you will always have our heart no matter, what happens you will always have us" tears were falling down you face worrying both Jake and neytiri.

Neytiri " y/n we are sorry we didn't mean to make you cry"

Y/n " no I'm good these are not tears of sadness that much but tears of happiness... yes I will give love a chance I'm willing to fall in love again or already have fallen in love again" both Jake and neytiri soon smiled as they brought you into a warm embrace, you had given love a chance as you were falling in love once again.

Many years later

Jake " that now I and you mom won over your mama" the kids laugh had been heard as they were listening to the stoires on how their parents had fallen in love and soon become a couple.

Neytiri " yes when our eyes had fallen on her she had won our hearts, but we also had fallen for each other but knew we need her as well"

Y/n " yes I'm a lucky women to have you both in my life and our wonderful children as well, they are so precious and amazing" soon laughter had been heard again from the children as a jake had brought everyone close for a hug, soon kissing you and neytiri. Now your life had become perfect soon becomes mates with Jake and neytiri, and then building up a family with them as well. There was nothing you would change in the world for these moments with your kids and mates, you are happy that you had taken the leap of faith with love and it worked our perfectly after all.

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