Finding a place

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Deepti's POV

While picking the broken glasses Deepti looks over to Sanjay's office and finds Sanjay's scrutinizing look towards her. Feeling her stomach make a flip she hurriedly grabs a few pieces. Not paying attention to the task at hand and was focused on Sanjay's reaction. She feels a sting and when she looks down, there is droplets of blood. Lifting her hand to inspect, she notices her hand is cut.

The sight of dripping blood from her hand causes her to feel dizzy. And all goes black as Deepti faints.

Sanjay's POV

Deepti's eyes roll back, and she falls unconscious. Her body falls limp on the floor.


I run towards her and carry her to the couch. I lay her there and ran to my bedroom to get the first aid box. I keep it tucked away in my bedside drawer in case Veer gets hurt. As a kid, somehow he always gets himself hurt.

Running back to the living room. I grab her hands and clean her wound from the blood. I inspect the cut to make sure there are no glass pieces stuck. The cut is deep, but the blood seemed to have stopped. I apply some antiseptic cream and bandage her hand. I should ask her to get it looked by a professional first thing in the morning.

She is still unconscious, maybe from the sight of blood. I remember when she was young, she would always get light headed and faint if she sees too much blood. She hasn't changed.

I carry her back to her room and lay her down. I pull the covers over her and close the door before heading back to the crime scene to clean up.

After about 5 minutes, the living room looks spotless again. I look at the time and notices it is already 10 past 3 in the morning. I put away my things in my office, turn off the light and head back to my room to sleep.

Sleep consumes me as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Deepti's POV

Around 5 in the morning....

Deepti bolted upright from her deep slumber. Memories of the incident flashes through her brain.

Shit! Shit, shit, shit.

I broke Sanjay's stuff and fainted. I should buy a new one to replace. It seemed expensive and from a set of cups and plates. How will I find the matching set?

Wait a damn minute!

I fainted in the living room, how did I get here? My hand is all bandaged.

Sanjay did this for me?

But why?

'He is not a heartless man to leave you lying there with the broken pieces and wounded hand' says my conscience.

I tossed and turned, but I couldn't go back to sleep so I got my iPad and started to look for a place to rent. Even a room should be fine too.

I found a couple of places that was as per my requirements.

1. Distance from my school to the rental place and Sanjay's house should not be more than 30 minutes away.

This is because, Sanjay's parents live 40 minutes away and my parents live an hour away, so I should be able to rush back here before them if needed.

2. The house or room should not have any man residents or tenants.

People might spread false rumors of something that never was.

3. Rent should be within budget.

I don't have plenty of savings as I never needed to save for anything that was out of reach. I live a simple life and I don't spend much. I did have appa's support too but now, I have to depend on myself so got to be prepared. Who knows maybe I might need it for any emergency health wise.

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