It was the next day as Bella and Athena woke up making their way outside the tent where they saw Seth.
"Right hey Seth" Bella said to Seth who was in wolf form. "Why do you werewolves always have to be so beautiful" Athena asked and Edward came over.
"Where's Jacob did he already" Bella asked when Edward interrupted. "Not yet" Edward said making his way to Bella.
"He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes" Edward said as Seth rushed off.
"I'm really sorry about last night that couldn't have been easy for you" Bella told Edward. "It definitely won't make my list of top 10 favorite evenings" Edward said.
"Wait a second you have a list ooh cool tell us" Athena said. "All 10 I spent with your sister Bella" Edward told Athena.
"And some with you" he added causing Athena to slightly smile. "Number one is when you said you'd marry me Mrs. Cullen" Edward told Bella who smiled.
"Wait your engaged okay who's dying for not telling me" Athena said.
"Sorry Athena" Bella said. "Buy me a milkshake and we'll call it even" Athena said. "Deal" Bella told her.
"This is the 21st century I at least want to hyphenate my name" Bella told Edward. "You're marrying him" Jacob said making his appearance known.
"Uh oh wait where did he come from" Athena asked as she looked around confused.
"Jake I" Bella started to say then realized something. "You knew he was listening" Bella told Edward.
"He deserves to know" Edward said. "Jake stop" Bella said seeing him leaving as Edward grabbed her arm. "Bella let him" Edward said. "Don't" Bella told him.
"Jake stop" Bella as she went after Jacob. "That could've gone better" Athena said. "Yeah" Edward said.
"Hey Athena, I always meant to tell you something, but it never seemed the right time" Edward said. "What is it" Athena asked.
"You know if this banshee thing doesn't work out you could become an artist" Edward said. "You're really good" he added as Athena smiled. "Thanks" Athena said to him, and he nodded.
After some time, Bella made her way back to Edward and Athena. "You saw" Bella said to Edward seeing his facial expression.
"No but Jacob's thoughts are pretty loud" Edward said.
"I don't know what happened" Bella said. "You love him" Edward said. "I love you more" Bella told him.
"I know" Edward told her and Seth came over going to Athena. "It's starting" Edward said after reading Seth's mind.
"Jacob just got there" Edward said as Athena looked at him. "He's good" he said after a moment. "Someone's hurt" Bella said seeing Edward's expression.
"She's close I can hear her thoughts" Edward said and Athena knew he meant Victoria. "Seth go" Edward said and Seth did as he said.
"She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent" Edward said as Bella went to him.
"She knew you'd be with me you and Athena" Edward said. "She found us" Athena said. "She's not alone" Edward said and Riley made his appearance known.
"Riley listen to me Victorias just using you to distract me she knows I'll kill you" Edward said as Bella and Athena saw Victoria.
"In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore" Edward said. "Don't listen Riley, I told you about their mind tricks" Victoria told Riley.