"Again" Emmett said as he stood up after Jasper threw him. Then Carlisle, Emmett, Carlisle, Rosalie, and Alice saw Edward pull up and park the car getting out with Bella and Athena.
"It's a graduation present" Bella told Edward seeing him looking at the bracelet she had on.
"No need to be jelly now" Athena teased Edward smiling and Edward couldn't help but smile at her.
Even with times as bad as these Athena always knew a way to make Edward feel better. Athena made her way to Carlisle who gave her a quick kiss before they all noticed the werewolves.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward said. "They came that's what matters" Carlisle said.
"Will you translate" he asked Edward. "Hey Jake" Bella said when she saw Jacob in his werewolf form and Alice made her way to Bella smiling slightly at her.
"Welcome" Carlisle said as he made his way to the werewolves and Rosalie went to Athena pulling her to her.
"No need for dragging they won't hurt me" Athena said.
"Jasper has experience with newborns he'll teach us how to defeat them" Carlisle said. "They want to know how the newborns differ from us" Edward said.
"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life" Carlisle said.
"Carlisle's right that's why they are created a newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them now the two most important things to remember are first never let them get their arms around you they'll crush you instantly and second never go for the obvious kill they'll be expecting that and you will lose" Jasper said.
"Emmett" Jasper said and he and Emett faced each other. "Don't hold back" Jasper said. "Not in my nature" Emmett said.
Emmett cheered at Jasper only for Jasper to throw him. They charged at each other once again fighting when Jasper knocked him down easily.
"Never lose focus" Jasper said. Soon it was Edward and Carlisle's turn as Bella and Athena watched.
Carlisle nodded and they started to run at each other. Carlisle dodged to the ground when Edward was about to hit him.
Carlisle got back up and they ran at each other again. They fought his time as Jasper watched them. Carlisle threw Edward but Edward easily got up and went to Carlisle.
They fought once again but Edward pinned Carlisle to the ground. He let go of him and looked at Jasper.
"One more thing" Jasper said as Carlisle attacked Edward.
"Never turn your back on your enemy" Jasper said. "We should've brought popcorn" Athena said as Bella looked at her. "Just a suggestion" Athena said.
Bella and Athena continued to watch the vampires irate fighting for the upcoming battle.
After a while Athena saw Jacob walked up to them in his wolf form.
"Some of you are gonna get hurt some of you could get killed because of me it's gonna be 100 times worse than this right" Bella said. "Bells" Athena said as Jacob put his head down for Bella to pet.
Bella did as Jacob suggested and when she was done, he lifted his head up and looked at Athena.
"I'm okay don't worry it's about Bella today not me she's more important" Athena said. Edward then made his way over and Jacob walked off.