5 | Sin 罪

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"I-I-..what are you doing?" You stutter completely flustered.

"Just tellin' you what's on my mind." He shrugs plainly, a smug grin on his face.

"Well stop. I didn't ask what you were thinking." You shoot back with as much sassiness as you could muster, trying to regain your composure. Hanma laughs lightly, a surprisingly cute laugh that almost makes you smile too.

"You trynna boss me around in my own place?" He raises a teasing brow.

"Yeah, when you're doin' things you're not supposed to." You clap back.

"Aaw, but you like it. You like it so much you're soakin' wet right now." He murmurs right by your left ear.

Once again you went speechless, feeling trapped because he was right. There was no point in trying to lie about this one.
"I know you wanna try to act like you went and just forgot about what we did, but we both know you wanna finish what we started just as much as I do." He says, looking you dead in the eyes.

"I don't.." You trail off.

"Don't act like you don't think about it, about me stretching this little pussy out-


"-About making you cum over and over again."

"Please don't! Don't do this!" You whimper anxiously, looking down to the floor in an overwhelming blend of emotions. He chuckles mischievously, lifting your head up once again to look him in the eyes.
"You know what I think about? I imagine the look on your face when you're fucked out way passed your limit, your cute little legs shaking while you cry to me about it being too much. Uuugh, and I think about you on yours knees for me, letting me teach you how to use that pretty throat when you suck my dick." He runs his tongue across his bottom lip lewdly, that sultry tone in his voice making your pussy gush.

"Don't talk like that." You mumble desperately.

"Come ooon pretty girl. Stop acting like you don't wanna fuck me, like you don't want me to slut you out." He coos, brushing his lips temptingly against your neck. You let out a shaky breath, trying so hard to keep your composure. The way he talks to you like this, so dirty and without a care, it turns you on so ridiculously much.

"I-I'm not acting! We..really can't do this!" You shake your head with your brows furrowed, you're so conflicted.

"We can, baby. We can do it right here on this wall, on the bed...both." He hums, lightly sucking on your neck.

An airy moan slips passed your lips at his words, involuntarily turning your head to give him better access.
"Sounds nice doesn't it?" He purrs.

"Wait wait, Kenny's gonna find out! He'll be pissed!" You protest nervously.

"He won't find out." He murmurs against your skin while planting a hickey a few inches above your collarbone.
"Yeah he will! H-He'll kill me; and you too." You mutter desperately between moans, grabbing two small fistfuls of his hoodie.

"He's not gonna find out, don't worry. You're safe with me, angel." He assures.

You knew you weren't anywhere close to safe with him. You were teetering on the edge of a cliff, just seconds from plummeting into an unforgiving pit of fire. Your resolve and faithfulness is a complete joke now, as thoughts of Ken seem to dissolve from the forefront of your mind with each passing second. But damn, it'd be a lie to say you didn't love it. It's so wrong, but the idea of finally having sex with Hanma makes your heart flutter in your chest like crazy. All those days you'd spent fantasizing and dreaming about what he'd feel like deep inside you-fuuuck, you could barely keep it together anymore. Your body practically craved him, begging and screaming for him to throw you on that huge bed and do whatever the hell he wanted to you. 'Cause quite honestly, a part of you would gladly let him.

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