9 | Pain 疼痛

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Later That Night

You're in a familiar setting, sitting comfortably in the back of Shuji's car with soft music in the back, one arm wrapped around you while the other holds his cigarette. He went and took you to another scenic area near a public park, but there's no one else around, just the two of you here.

"The sky looks so pretty." You murmur blissfully, staring out of the window. Shuji lets out an airy, short chuckle, taking a quick drag.
"You say that every time we're like this."

You raise a brow for a second, surprised that he had made such an observation.
"I probably do. I really like the night sky." You hum with a little shrug.
"Why?" He mumbles softly.

"Why? Mmm, I guess I just really love space. I love the stars, the moon; it reminds me of how vast the world is. There's so much more up there. If I could, I'd definitely go to space to see what it's like." You ramble in a dreamy tone, eyes glued to the radiant stars and half moon up in the sky.

"That seems like fun. I'd wanna see Jupiter." He says.

"Because of the storms, right?! I know!" You beam, getting randomly excited.

"But you know what's crazy? There's still so much about earth we don't even know. Like we barely know anything about the ocean." He says with a curious tone.

"Oh my gosh, facts. The abyss fish are kinda scary too!" You nod.

"Abyss fish?" He chuckles with a raised brow.

"Yeah, that's what I call 'em. Who really takes the time to figure out all their real names?" You giggle.

"Oh, I thought you meant like a specific fish called the abyss fish." He laughs.

The two of you laugh together for a little while before falling into another moment of tranquil silence.

"You know, I'm actually glad I left that event with you." You sigh, breaking the silence.

"Really?" He asks in a knowing tone.

"Mhm." You nod.
"Even though you stress me out, I...really do like being around you." You admit, tone soft and just a little bit shy. The corner of Shuji's lips tilt upwards at your words.

"Well look at you finally being honest." He chuckles, leaning over for a kiss that makes your heart flutter in your chest. His tongue skillfully works its way past your lips, his free hand pulling you closer. You both pull away just a little after a moment, two small smiles on each of your faces.

"Could I...be more honest then?" You ask hesitantly, your heart beating wildly in your chest.

"Definitely be more honest, angel." He nods with a lustful glint in his eyes.
You pull your dress up as far as it could go, then carefully sit yourself down onto his lap, straddling him. Shuji's hand rests low on your hip, the other putting out his cigarette against the little ash tray to the right of him.

"I want you; and I don't wanna wait till we get to your place." You confess softly, looking him right in the eyes.

"I'm all yours, pretty girl." He answers, his hand reaching towards the spaghetti straps tied into a bow at the back of your neck. His words give you all kinds of butterflies throughout your stomach. If only he really was yours, then the looming weight of knowing this thing between you two would eventually end would be long gone.

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