7 | Fake Date 约会

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A soft knock comes from Ken's dorm suite door, ripping him out of his wild-running thoughts.

"Comin'!" He hollers lazily, setting his alcohol bottle down and making his way out to the front door.

"Emma?" His brow raises confusedly.

"H-hi Ken. Could I come in?" She asks sheepishly, clutching the strap of her tote bag.


"So, you know I'd never go out of my way to start any drama, and I care about you both. You two are my friends." Emma says in a cautious, sincere tone, looking at her hands clasped together nervously in her lap.

The two of them were sat on the edge of Ken's bed, the room slightly messy which was unusual for the guy.
"Yeah...?" He raises a brow, starting to become skeptical.

"So...the other day I-....I saw Y/N get into someone's car. A guy's car. And I know that might not sound like anything bad but, I don't know, it just gave me an odd feeling. She had her duffel bag with her and-

"You think she's cheating on me?" Ken cuts in, his tone coming across a bit sharper than he intended.

"No! No I-...I just wanted to maybe warn you...of the possibility?" Her brows furrow, not really sure what exactly she was even trying to say. Emma starts to doubt herself, doubt her reasoning for coming here. So what if she got into another guy's car? Was it really that deep to come and "warn" Ken about?

"The possibility?" He raises a brow.

Emma shakes her head, getting up from the bed and grabbing her tote bag.
"I know, I know! Why would I say that? I'm sorry-I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have come-

"No, it's fine Emma." Ken starts, grabbing her wrist and stopping her in her place.
"To be honest I've been suspicious of her for a little while now." He sighs exasperatedly.

"Wait what?!" Emma's brows furrow in a mix of shock and confusion.

"It's not the first time I was told she got in a car with some other guy, and if it were her friend Baji neither of you would'a come to me about it."

"But-...but we don't know for sure if that means-

"You said you had an 'odd feeling', right? Well so do I." He says bitterly.

"That doesn't mean we're right, Ken." Emma assures, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Ken's jaw clenches as he looks to the side in thought.

"Emma...she's not in love with me. I know she's not, and it's becoming more and more clear every single day." He mutters wearily, feeling that harsh tug on his heart that he's been trying to run away from for the past few weeks.

"What?!" She outbursts, brows furrowed in bewilderment.
"How could you say that?! You've been together for so long, how could you think-

"It's fake." Ken says plainly, rolling his eyes. Emma pauses, her mind malfunctioning as she tries to process his words.
"W-what?" She murmurs, barely above a whisper.

"Our relationship, Emma, it's fake. Our parents are making us be together, and-...she just doesn't love me." He huffs exasperatedly.

Emma's brows furrow in disbelief, shaking her head.
"I really don't understand. All this time, it's-..it's never been real? But I've seen you two though, the way you look at her, I know you're in love-

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