4 | Mistakes 错误

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3 Days Later

"-What do you think about that?"

Your professor Janette, who happens to be your favorite and previous dance teacher from when you were a little girl, calls you out of your thoughts.

"To be honest...I think I'm tired of thinking." You huff, leaning your head onto your hand propped up by your elbow on the desk.

"You? Tired of thinking?! Something's going on." She says in faux shock.

"I hope nothing else goes on." You grumble under your breath, but still loud enough for her to here.

"Wanna talk about it?" She suggests with a concerned brow.

"Ugh, I don't even know where to start! So obviously homecoming was last week, and the performance was great and all, but afterwards...it's afterwards where everything fell apart. I was supposed to be going to an after party with Ken, and first of all he ditched me to go with his boys instead; he was supposed to be my ride! I ended up having to get an Uber and then when I get there the first thing I see is some girl kissing my boyfriend!"

She gasps, hovering her mouth over her hands, eyes wide as saucers.

"Exactly! Exactly! But wait, it gets worse. So, I obviously confronted him and he's all trynna play it off like "Oh I didn't know she was gonna kiss me" on some it's not a big deal typ'a time. Then I just got upset and I kinda left and just sat out in the back near the pool by myself. But little did I know, I actually wasn't by myself, and there's some super fine, random guy just there. So...long story short, I ended up also kissing this guy and...some other..particular..things." By the end of your rant you're looking up at your professor with anxious, glossy eyes, fiddling with your hands in your lap.

She's absolutely speechless, just sitting there processing everything you said.

"You both need to talk; immediately. I think you two need to just sit down with nobody else around, and just lay everything out. Clearly there's some..disconnects here, so the sooner you both talk and are honest with each other, the easier it'll be to move forward." She explains in a sincere, almost motherly tone.

You huff, groaning as you run your hand over your face.
"Well the thing is we talked the next day, and it didn't really go well..."


"I heard you were in some guy's car last night outside the party. Anything you wanna tell me about that?" Ken's voice is stern and low, looking you dead in the eyes as he spoke. The two of you are sat in his dorm suite, the both of you across from each other at the coffee table in his 'living room' area.

You were practically shaking like a maraca, trying to think fast before he gets even more suspicious of you.
"I was just lookin' at the pictures he took from the halftime show. He's one of the student photographers." You explain with as calm a tone as possible.

"That better be it." He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back in his chair across from you.

"Why are you suspicious of me cheating when you're the one that actually got caught kissing someone else?!" Your brows furrow, a heavy ton of sass dripping from your words.

"Watch it." He warns, narrowing his eyes.

"Watch what exactly, Ken?" You match his energy perfectly, attitude skyrocketing as you go from nervous to angry.

"That mouth. You always talk crazy when you get angry." He grits out, jaw clenching tightly. You weren't phased, not even a little.

"No, I don't talk crazy when I'm angry. There's nothin' crazy about anything I just said! The only thing crazy is how you thought you were doin' something interrogating me when you're not even in the clear your own damn self! So before you try to come at me talkin' bout "watch it", you need to watch yourself first. I already caught your ass once." You snap, making sure he really saw the anger in your eyes before you got up from the chair, grabbing your tote bag and heading out of his dorm suite.

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