6 | Fatigue 疲劳

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You wake up the next morning completely sore, everything was aching, reminding you of the intense events of last night. Hanma is fast asleep, laying with an arm lazily slung around your waist, the majority of your body on top of his.

The both of you looked tangled together, from the way your legs intertwined to the way the sheets wrapped around different limbs oddly. Y'all had knocked each other the hell out.

You let out a small, tired moan, attempting to move out of his grasp so you could check the time. Where did you even leave your phone? Thanks to the literal entanglement you were in, you couldn't move at all without potentially waking him up. You pursed your lips, feeling a little bad that you'd have to bother him, he looks so peaceful, cute even, while sleeping. His hair hanging lazily over his forehead, expression completely calm, and his chest slowly rises and falls in a steady rhythm. You catch yourself staring, blinking a few times as you snap yourself out of it.

Let's not forget you do still have a boyfriend...

"Hanma..." You mutter, much too soft for him to hear. You try again, this time nudging his shoulder a bit. He stirs but doesn't really wake up fully, tightening his hold around you as he turns on his side.
"Oh, no!" You whisper, trying not to laugh. Now he has you smushed to his chest, his legs weighing over top of yours.

"Hanma! Uh uh, you gotta wake up. My legs!" You finally crack, giggling a little as you shake his shoulder. He groans opening one eye a bit, looking down at you.

"Mmm, what?" He mumbles tiredly, his voice all raspy.

"I gotta see what time it is; and you're crushing me." You tap his shoulder lightly, trying to move.

"Mm mm." He grunts, not moving even an inch..

"What'chu mean 'mm mm'? I have classes today!"

He ignores you, closing his eye again.

"Come on! I can't miss my classes." You urge him, shaking him again.

He let's out an annoyed groan, flipping over onto his back and letting go of you. You smile innocently at him then drag yourself out of bed.
"Oh! Oh my gosh!" You grunt out in pain, falling backwards onto the bed. Your body was not having it. Everywhere ached, especially the lower half of you, not allowing you to move fluidly at all.

"This is not good." You mutter, attempting to get up much more cautiously this time.

Friday's were unfortunately a busy day in your week. Starting the morning off with a nine a.m. body conditioning pilates class, then an hour break for breakfast before you have to head to your Classical Ballet III course. After that, two hours later is straight to Black Aesthetic in American Modern Dance, then you'd have to get to practice for the upcoming The Gypsy ballet audition.

In other words, you couldn't afford to miss today. You get yourself up and start searching for your phone, massaging your arms and legs as the cold air hits you. You find your phone sitting by your duffel bag on twenty three percent. Hitting the lock button you check the time.


3 Missed Calls
Big K💖

Big K💖

"Shhhhhit." You whisper, facepalming. Not only did you already completely miss your first class, you haven't responded to not a single call or text from Ken. You only had a short slot of time to first get to your dorm then shower, eat, get dressed, and head over to your Ballet technique class, all while trying to calm Ken down from being inevitably pissed with you. There's no way you're gonna be able to do all that within the hour.

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