8 | Stolen Away 偷偷溜走

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3 Weeks Later
(Next Month)

Tonight is a very..."special" evening for you and Ken. The two of you are currently riding together in an Uber to the private event being held at some random rich dudes mansion. Apparently he's some donor that's going to be slamming bucket loads of money onto the university. Why? Not really sure, then again, you don't really care.

On one hand you were really not excited about having to spend time around your mom and Ken's dad. The two of them together are just....ugh. Nitpicking and ridiculing every little thing the two of you do. Not holding hands? Problem. Not mingling enough? Problem. Mingling a little too much? Problem. It's freakin' ridiculous.

But of course, as usual, you suck it up and play nice. Something you're honestly very quickly getting tired of doing these days. But on the bright side, you look amazing, wearing a black mermaid style gown with silver sequins that form roses all over. A deep plunge, halter top design draws the eyes to your prominent collarbones, fully bare back, and cleavage. Black patent leather heels, with a diamonte small purse, finished with diamond drop earrings and a silver arm cuff around your left arm. In other words you're eating.

Now was this look possibly a little too sexy for such an event? Yeah, but it's a gown you've never gotten a chance to wear yet, so here you are. Your hair is up in a defined high puff ponytail, your bangs out in the front framing your face. Your hair kind of looked like Tinkerbell in your opinion, but the afro hair version.

When the two of you walked in together you quickly got into character, a small smile on your face as you look around the home. The lights are dim, not too dim, but definitely setting a vibe. A grand crystal chandelier greets you immediately upon walking through the front door, followed by a staircase that curls slightly leading to the next floor. The ceilings are high, and the house's color scheme consisted of deep red and gold. It's definitely an old home, maybe a pass down. There's soft music that plays in the background, Neo-classical style piano. It's an alright choice, Post-romantic style music would've fit the vibe better, but that's just you.

"Ahh! There they are!" Your ears perk at the sound of Ken's father's voice coming from the living room to the right. Ken sucks in a breath, trying to maintain the polite smile on his face as he leads you over and into the mix.

"Hey dad." He says softly, letting go of your hand to give him a guyish hug.

"Mr. Fujioka, I'd like you to meet my son Ken Ryuguji and his lovely girlfriend." His father smiles proudly, gesturing towards the two of you.

So this is the one that's donating to the school. Mr. Fujioka is an older man, grey hairs slicked back nicely with an expensive looking navy blue suit on. He has deep brown eyes, and a surprisingly kind smile.
"It's nice to meet you sir. Thanks for having us here." Ken replies curtly, shaking the rich man's hand.

"Good evening Mr. Fujioka. It's a pleasure to meet you." You speak up finally, meeting his extended hand half way.

"The pleasure is all mine", Mr. Fujioka starts before leaning over towards Ken's right ear, lowering his voice down, "Now this beautiful woman right here's a keeper. Don't mess up what you've got, son." He advises, chuckling lightly as he leans away.

"I-I won't, sir." Ken actually blushes, surprising you more than the fact that this rich man was so kind.

Ken's dad continues small talk conversation with Mr. Fujioka, the two of them walking around together and inevitably blending into the mix of people.
"Let's get a drink or somethin'." Ken says softly, already taking your hand and heading further into the house.

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