Secret Visitor?

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(This is the first oneshot I've written I hope it is good enough 😅 Also this oneshot is based off of a scene in the show Friends so yeah :D Hope you like my writing)

Rouge and Tails spoke in excited whispers in the darkness of Rouge's apartment. Rouge often enjoyed Tails' company as he would share lots of juicy gossip with her. They'd get together in one or the other's apartment around midnight, have drinks and just talk. Rouge never expected the younger fox to be such a gossip, but she was grateful that he was so eager to spill the tea. In a quiet apartment building with an old lady as your neighbour, nothing exciting ever happens. Until that night.

"Guess what?! I walked into Sonic and I's apartment, and I guess he didn't expect me to be home so early from the lab, cause I heard weird noises coming from his bedroom," Tails snickered.

Rouge's ears pricked up and her eyes widened, "What kind of noises?" She ended the sentence with a smirk, which looked awfully creepy as her face was half-lit from the light of a candle on the coffee table.

"Well... Y'know..." Tails cringed looking left and right in embarrassment. "I think Sonic had a date over in our apartment. He knew I'd gone to my laboratory due to an emergency call I'd gotten. I won't bore you with the details of the lab emergency, but it turned out to be all okay so I headed back home. Then I heard... The noises." Tails' ears flattened, clearly not wanting to be more specific about what he heard. Despite Tails being older now, spicy romance was always something that made him uncomfortable. 

"So you came straight here?" Rouge stood up from the plush, white couch. 

"Yeah," Tails turned his head, his gaze following Rouge as she strutted to the kitchen.

Rouge always walked like that. Probably something to do with her flirtatious personality, strutting like a popstar just came naturally to her. It looked pretty funny since she was dressed in her PJs; a tank top, shorts, slippers and a fluffy robe wrapped around her, keeping her wings snug. Tails had turned so that he was facing the kitchen, his arms draped over the back of the sofa. He watched Rouge make her way to the coffee machine and start it up.

"You probably shouldn't have caffeine now, it's really late, aren't you going to bed soon?" Tails commented. Rouge shrugged, her gesture unnoticed by the yellow fox as it was simply too dark to see in the kitchen, as it was further from the candle. It was impressive how Rouge, as a bat, had no difficulties making her way around in the dark. 

"Why didn't you lead with 'Sonic has a date'"? Tails was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his friend's voice.

"Well, you wanted to tell me about the drama at your workplace."

"Yeah but that's nowhere near as interesting. It was more of a vent if anything, work has been a pain," Rouge groaned before lifting her cup of coffee to her lips. She hummed in satisfaction and walked back to the couch to sit next to Tails. 

"Well I don't mind," Tails smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I forgot to ask if you wanted something from the kitchen," Rouge said placing down her cup on coaster. 

"No thanks, I should probably be heading back soon anyways. Hopefully Sonic's... 'friend' won't still be there," Tails sighed. 

"Getting back to that~.. Tell me, who do you think it is?" Rouge grinned devilishly. 

Tails shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, Sonic hasn't mentioned going out with anyone. Maybe it's a one night kind of thing?"

Rouge clicked her tongue, "Oooh, a hookup~ That's not all that surprising for Sonic, seeing as he's never been the kinda guy who wants a relationship."

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