Reasoning Behind the Attraction

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"What do you like about Shadow?"

Tails had asked this question a few times since Sonic confessed to his twin-tailed friend that he held affection for the ebony hedgehog.

The hedgehog with a pelt smooth and shiny like onyx. The hedgehog whose eyes burned brighter than a scarlet fire. The hedgehog who always bore a stoic poker face, never letting his emotions control him.


Control had always been a term associated with Shadow, like his common phrase, "Chaos Control!" or his various affiliates who sought to control Shadow and use his abilities to their advantage.

In the past, Eggman had manipulated Shadow, acted entitled to him, and only cared for the Ultimate Lifeform when it benefited him. The doctor had used Shadow to access the Eclipse Cannon and even attempted to strip him of his identity when he created those Shadow Androids. The only time Sonic believed Eggman showed a hint of sympathy towards the raven hedgehog were two of the times he went super. That fateful day when Sonic and Shadow fought the Biolizard to stop the ARK from crashing into Earth due to a last-minute change of heart from Shadow. His sacrifice had saved everybody. Then, the time Shadow became Super Shadow and defeated Devil Doom. All by himself. That was the battle where Eggman confessed that he had lied about creating Shadow, admitting that Shadow was indeed the true Ultimate Lifeform. The one who'd fallen from space to make the ultimate sacrifice, only for one of Eggman's robots to save him. That was the only deed Sonic would ever thank Dr Eggman for.

Then there was G.U.N. The task force of the United Nations, which was the cause for Maria's death. Shadow's closest friend. The person who'd never been too far from his side for the first years of his life. That space colony was his home, although it wasn't a suitable place to call home. Now he had a home, here on Earth, but it would never be the same without the one person who was his drive to travel to Earth in the first place. Shadow had been curious of the blue and green planet because of her, and the government took that hope away from both of them. Even after what they did, they still refused to show remorse, never seeing Shadow as anything more than a dangerous weapon. As property that they had claim over.

Of course, there were even more people who desired to control the Ultimate Lifeform's power. Though they were far from people. The Black Arms were unforgivable in nature, threatening the planet, and wreaking havoc everywhere they had treaded in Westopolis. Black Doom had returned to Earth to... "collect Shadow," believing he held superiority over the hedgehog because he had Black Doom's DNA flowing through his blood. Thankfully, Shadow had stopped them despite numerous setbacks.

If there was one thing Sonic admired in Shadow, it was his determination. He had his set of principles, his beliefs, and his motives, and he never strayed from them. No matter what.

Even though many powerful entities; Dr Eggman, G.U.N, and the Black Arms dangled Shadow like a puppet on strings and threw him through loops of amnesia, he always returned to who he truly was. A fearless being who took charge of his own path, who decided for himself and who was free to do his own thing. That was what Sonic fought for every day. Freedom.

He fought so that all people on Earth could be free to choose their own destiny, be free to wander through a field, and immediately stop to smell the lavender flowers for a good hour. Free to race across hills and through valleys at top speeds, free to laze under a palm tree and rest with a dark chao.

Of course, those situations were quite specific to Shadow, but it's not Sonic's fault he keeps 'accidentally' running into Shadow. He certainly doesn't keep a mental note of places Shadow frequently visits and on which days he might find him there. Would it be creepy for him to admit he'd watch Shadow from afar? He just didn't want to disturb the raven hedgehog's peace. He most definitely deserved peace, and as much as it hurt to realise, Sonic wasn't someone Shadow was very peaceful with.

Despite their adventures and the times Sonic stayed by Shadow's side to help him fight the alien invasion, Sonic was still an annoyance to him. It tugged at Sonic's heart strings every time one of Shadow's well-known scowls was directed right to him.

"Earth to Sonic?"


Tails' question.

"Uh, sorry bud, I was kinda lost in thought there," Sonic leaned against the kitchen counter, nervously eyeing the yellow fox on the other side.

"What do I like about Shadow?" Sonic repeated the question, mostly to himself.

A lovestruck grin forced its way onto the azure hedgehog's face, and he looked down in slight embarrassment before looking back up to Tails' ocean blue eyes.

The fox's tails swished behind him, and his face lost its seriousness, instead replaced with a soft, knowing smile. He'd known his brother long enough to understand that that smile was new. That this giddy, smitten grin was reserved for Shadow alone.

Whatever quality or trait Sonic liked about Shadow was strong enough to not just catch Sonic's attention but captivate him and turn the blue hero into an infatuated mess.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Tails trailed off and turned to head back into his workshop, just next door to the kitchen.

"His freedom."

Tails turned back around, surprised to finally get an answer. Though, it was a very cryptic answer.

Tails tried to push for more, seeing how much he could get from Sonic, "What does that mean?"

Sonic swallowed and leaned further onto the countertop, practically laying on the marble, "It's kind of hard to explain, but, I love- uh, like... how far he's come. The person he's shaped himself into. Sure, he had help, but he doesn't need help, not anymore. He's living by his own rules, being free, and he just embodies everything that I fight for. I fight for freedom, and I'm really glad that I was able to help Shadow."

Tails listened to Sonic's rambles, watching his peach muzzle flare into a bright red as he spoke about his rival.

"I don't get it. Did you help Shadow, or did Shadow not need help and figured things out himself?"

Sonic groaned and slumped his blushing face in his arms, "I don't know. Both, I guess? I mean, I'm glad we got to see firsthand as Shadow changed. Although his attitude is fairly the same, and he still can't stand me, at least he's grown into his own person. I learn new stuff about him all the time."

Tails rolled his eyes as he observed Sonic's ears flatten and flicker every few seconds.

"So, what's so hard about this little crush of yours? The fact that Shadow still doesn't get along the best with you after everything that's happened, or the fact that you're so in love with him you can't stand it?"

Sonic's head lifted from the cold marble counter, his muzzle still a cherry red.

"I am not in love with Shadow!" He protested.

Tails grinned cheekily, a mirror image of his role model. He just whistled and strolled into his workshop without another word as Sonic was left alone to process his thoughts.

He was in love with Shadow.

At the realisation, Sonic slumped his head back on the kitchen counter and daydreamed for a few moments about what things would be like if Shadow wasn't so independent. If he was willing to open up to Sonic a bit more, to be vulnerable with him like he was before when he'd been so fragile and lost with his sense of self.

Sonic was eternally glad that Shadow had overcome all obstacles sent his way and had finally became certain in his identity, in exactly who he was.

But would it be selfish if some part of Sonic wished that Shadow still needed him? Still needed his help to remind him of who he was - to put Shadow on the right path?

Would it be selfish of Sonic to want to be wanted by Shadow just as much as he yearns for his faker?

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